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Tag: diseases

Managing Long-Term Effects of COVID-19: Importance of Testing and Treatment

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[미디어파인 전문칼럼] Although it is true that the number of confirmed cases of infection with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) has decreased compared to the past, management and prevention of infectious diseases are still considered as important as several reconfirmed cases have been reported. Furthermore, after suffering from the disease, there are cases of sequelae in […]

The Extraordinary Health Benefits of Onions: From Lowering Blood Pressure to Controlling Blood Sugar Levels

The post The Extraordinary Health Benefits of Onions: From Lowering Blood Pressure to Controlling Blood Sugar Levels appeared first on News Directory 3.
Posted on 7.02.2024 18:30 Posted on 7.02.2024 18:30 Modified on 7.02.2024 04:30 Views 16 Onions are also excellent for purifying the blood and preventing various cardiovascular diseases. [사진=클립아트코리아] Onions, which appear on the table every day, are an essential ingredient in various stews and ring dishes. These onions have long been used as medicines in […]

The Harsh Reality: 5 Rare Diseases with No Cure

Revealing 5 rare diseases that have no cure may only ease the symptoms. The body is weak. Distorted vision, frequent seizures, transformation of muscles into bones Today, there are more and more diseases, both emerging epidemics and old diseases that have existed for decades. But did you know? There are rare diseases for which there […]
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Addressing the Health Crisis Among Thailand’s Working Age Population: The Need for Promoting Healthy Lifestyles and Behaviors

If people of working age have poor health This would mean many more lives in the family and in Thailand’s economy. The Department of Health has also created “10 Plus Packages” that businesses can use to promote good health. This is because people work no less than 40 hours a week.Various diseases of the working […]
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There is a tumor that is growing dramatically

#tumor #growing #dramatically Recent reports tell us that, among the increasing diseases, this form of cancer is growing enormously Tumors are the evil of our time. Although scientific research works continuously to defeat them, to develop new therapies, more and more people are falling ill and dying from neoplastic and tumor pathologies. In particular, Among […]
The post There is a tumor that is growing dramatically appeared first on World Today Journal.

Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

The post Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention appeared first on News Directory 3.
Gonorrhea cause Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria Incubation period 2 – 7 days Symptoms of the disease Male patients will have symptoms of burning during urination. Thick pus flows from the tip of the urethra. while female patients may have no symptoms. or have minor symptoms such as vaginal discharge if left untreated The disease will spread […]

Causes, Treatment, and Prevention of Chronic Itching

-If itching persists for more than 6 weeks, it may be related to a disease other than the skin. – There are many causes of itching, such as premature aging, skin diseases, systemic diseases and mental health. -Worse when lying down to sleep, severe heating, stress or anxiety -Treatment varies depending on the cause… Appearance […]
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