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Tag: nutrition

Dieta OMAD: Beneficios polémicos para bajar de peso y riesgos para la salud según la ciencia

Dieta OMAD: Beneficios polémicos para bajar de peso y riesgos para la salud según la ciencia

You can read the full story here: Dieta OMAD: Beneficios polémicos para bajar de peso y riesgos para la salud según la ciencia .
OMAD puede tener ⁣un impacto positivo en la pérdida de peso, pero según una​ investigación​ de la‌ revista científica ‌Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, el solo consumir una comida al día ⁢está asociado con un mayor⁣ riesgo de mortalidad. ​Según la investigación, puede haber hasta un ⁣30% de aumento del riesgo‍ de … Read more

Claudia Sheinbaum seeks to improve the country’s nutrition

Claudia Sheinbaum seeks to improve the country’s nutrition

The post Claudia Sheinbaum seeks to improve the country’s nutrition appeared first on News Directory 3.
The 4T candidate Claudia Sheinbaum, was present at the rally of the Pedro Escobedo municipality in Querétaroin his speech for the presidential candidacy, emphasized some of the feeding problems that Mexicans suffer, because 70% of these suffer from obesity. Sheinbaum emphasized that currently, traditional Mexican food is not a habit on Mexican tables and therefore, […]

Why Eating Refined Carbs for Breakfast Makes You Less Attractive, According to French Researchers

Why Eating Refined Carbs for Breakfast Makes You Less Attractive, According to French Researchers

You can read the full story here: Why Eating Refined Carbs for Breakfast Makes You Less Attractive, According to French Researchers.
Title: The Surprising Impact of Diet on Facial Attractiveness and Beyond Subheading: Exploring the Complex Relationship Between Nutrition, Appearance, and Health Nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining good health, but did you know that it can also affect our facial attractiveness? A recent study conducted by researchers in France has shed light on the … Read more

Study Finds Mediterranean Diet Helps Relieve Depression Symptoms in Older Women

Study Finds Mediterranean Diet Helps Relieve Depression Symptoms in Older Women

The post Study Finds Mediterranean Diet Helps Relieve Depression Symptoms in Older Women appeared first on News Directory 3.
iframe-data-type> [메디컬투데이=조민규 기자] One study found that a Mediterranean diet helps relieve symptoms of depression in older women. A study was published in the British Journal of Nutrition showing a link between eating a Mediterranean diet and relief from depression symptoms in women. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 5.7% of adults over […]