Anna Suggestions: the disappearance of the little dog made me think about the journey of life and death | Life

In “Rainbow Morning”, Anna Hints described the most beautiful experience outside the cinematic world of the past year, that of supporting the end of the earthly journey of a dear old friend, a dog, which made her reflect on the importance of the journey between life and death.

“It was this summer,” director Anna Hints recalled. “There was a little moment, a short time, when I could be in Võromaa, go to the Seto leelo camp and sing with friends, sisters, brothers and powerful old women of Seto. At the same time, I was living on the farm of my friends and I took care of my dear little dog who was sick, I sent him on his last journey. I was next to him, petting him and asking him to wait until his family returned home.”

“It was a solemn, beautiful, sad and powerful experience. During the day I sang Seto’s songs and at night I sang for a little dog who is also my old friend,” Hints said. “I remember him from when he was a tiny puppy, how he was born. It was midsummer, nature was playing, rattling, snapping, snapping and buzzing. It was something very special.”

“I remember that at a certain point the dog started to go towards the forest. I remember from my childhood that dogs went to die in the forest. There was a moment when the dog was already going towards the forest, I called him and told him asked to wait one more day when the family arrives,” Hints recalled. “And then the dog turned his back to me and listened to me, I talked to him for half an hour. And then he came back, well in my arms, I stroked him and he waited until the family came home , and then basically two hours later the dog was gone. But he managed to go into his owner’s arms. It was a very solemn and beautiful and sad moment and it made me think about life and death and the journey in between and what is important.”

2024-01-03 13:34:00

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