busyness today: 2024-05-08 18:06:00

Revolutionary Carbon-Capturing Plant in Iceland: Turning Air into Stone

The World’s Largest ⁣Carbon Capture⁣ Plant in Iceland

The Mammoth ‍plant in Hellisheiði, ‍Iceland, operated by Climeworks, has officially started its mission to remove planet-heating pollution from⁣ the atmosphere. This groundbreaking facility marks a significant‍ step towards combating climate change.

Revolutionary Technology

Direct air ​capture (DAC) ⁢technology, utilized by Climeworks, involves extracting carbon⁢ from⁢ the ⁢air using specialized​ chemicals. Mammoth, the second commercial DAC plant in Iceland, ‍is ten times larger than its predecessor, Orca. This innovative process aims to capture carbon and either store it underground, reuse it, or convert it into solid materials.

Sequestration⁤ Process

After capturing carbon, Climeworks plans ⁤to transport it underground for a sequestration process⁤ in collaboration with Icelandic company Carbfix. This process involves ⁣converting the carbon into stone, ‍effectively locking it away ​permanently. The entire operation is powered by Iceland’s clean geothermal ⁢energy, showcasing a sustainable approach to combating climate change.

Urgent Need for Climate Solutions

With carbon dioxide levels in the ⁢atmosphere reaching record highs, there is a growing urgency​ for innovative climate solutions like DAC. As⁣ the planet continues to warm, leading to severe consequences for ​both humans ​and nature, the importance of removing carbon ‌from the atmosphere alongside reducing fossil fuel usage cannot be ​overstated.

It is crucial for governments and private industries to invest in next-generation technologies⁣ like⁢ DAC to ‍address the escalating climate crisis. By embracing sustainable practices and cutting-edge solutions, we can work to

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Revolutionary Carbon-Capturing Plant in Iceland: Turning Air into Stone

Al Bilad newspaper 2.1 billion euros spent by Gulf visitors in Germany during 2023
– 2024-05-08 16:51:49

The German National Tourism Board announced that travelers from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries spent 1,297,256 hotel nights in Germany during the past year 2023, an increase of 15% compared to 1,128,341 hotel nights recorded in 2022.

Yamina Sofo, Director of Sales and Marketing at the German National Tourism Office in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, said during a press conference held at the launch of the Arabian Travel Market 2024 exhibition, that the “Arabian Travel Market”

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Best-selling cars in Europe: Golf overtakes Model Y

#Bestselling #cars #Europe #Golf #overtakes #Model

BMW is the fastest growing brand this year, ahead of Peugeot, Renault and Ford

Europe’s new car market grew by 4.8% year-on-year, according to data from consulting firm DataForce for the first quarter of 2024. A total of 3.375 million new cars were registered during the quarter, with Volkswagen maintaining its top brand position with almost 80,000 points ahead of second placed Toyota. In the third position on the Old Continent, BMW unexpectedly comes: the German premium manufacturer has 77,912 sales in March alone and a total of 195,311 sin

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Best-selling cars in Europe: Golf overtakes Model Y

POVERTY INDICES – The World Bank is worried about the South

The south of the Big Island has long been plagued by a multi-year drought.

The South of the Big Island is plagued by extreme poverty. According to the World Bank, this is due to a lack of investment, but also to the effects of climate change.

Chronic poverty. It turns out that the Anosy, Androy and Atsimo-Andrefana regions concentrate the highest rate of poverty. Nearly 91% of the population of the Great South lives below the poverty line. A situation which disadvantages these localities, which nevertheless have rich potential.

In a report on poverty dated April, the World Bank attributes this situation to “chronic underinvestment” by successive governments. This neglect has caused the region to lag significantly behind the rest of the country, according to the financial institution. However, other factors also contributed to this situation.

Other factors hinder the development of the South of

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POVERTY INDICES – The World Bank is worried about the South

US Stocks to Follow on Wall Street (Updated) – 05/08/2024 at 1:25 pm

Principales valeurs à suivre mercredi à Wall Street :          * SEMICONDUCTEURS - Les États-Unis ont révoqué les licences qui permettaient à des entreprises comme INTEL  INTC.O  et QUALCOMM  QCOM.O  d'exporter des puces au fabricant chinois Huawei Technologies, sanctionné, ont déclaré trois personnes familières avec le sujet.              * UBER  UBER.N  recule de 8,7% dans les échanges d'avant-marché après avoir déçu les attentes sur ses réservations au premier trimestre et ses prévisions de réservations au deuxième trimestre.                 * Les livraisons de l'iPhone d'APPLE  AAPL.O  en Chine ont augmenté de 12% en mars, portées par les réductions de prix, selon les données de recherche d'un cabinet affilié au gouvernement chinois.             * META PLATFORMS  META.O  a déclaré mardi qu'elle élargirait sa suite de produits publicitaires d'IA générative pour offrir des outils capables de créer automatiquement des variations d'images et d'y superposer du texte.              * La Commission européenne a déclaré mercredi avoir demandé au réseau social X  TWTR.MX  des informations sur la diminution des ressources allouées à la modération de contenu, dans le cadre de la loi sur la réglementation des services numériques.             * OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM  OXY.N  a fait état d'un bénéfice supérieur au consensus mardi, la société pétrolière et gazière ayant bénéficié d'une production de pétrole plus élevée.          * BOEING  BA.N  - Un avion construit par le groupe a atterri sans utiliser son train d'atterrissage avant mercredi à l'aéroport d'Istanbul, a déclaré le ministère des Transports turc.          * PFIZER  PFE.N  - Un jeune patient est décédé d'un arrêt cardiaque après avoir reçu la thérapie génique expérimentale du groupe pour la maladie musculaire dite dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne, a déclaré le fabricant de médicaments à Reuters mardi.              * ARISTA NETWORK  ANET.N  progresse de 7,5% en avant-bourse après que le spécialiste des services en cloud a annoncé mardi prévoir des ventes au premier trimestre supérieures aux attentes.             * INTERNATIONAL PAPER  IP.N  - La société brésilienne Suzano  SUZB3.SA  a exprimé son intérêt pour une acquisition entièrement en numéraire de près de 15 milliards de dollars, selon des personnes familières avec le dossier.          * RIVIAN AUTOMOTIVE  RIVN.

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US Stocks to Follow on Wall Street (Updated) – 05/08/2024 at 1:25 pm

Revolutionizing Drug Development: The Impact of AI Model ‘AlphaFold 3’

An artificial intelligence (AI) model has been released that will dramatically speed up the development of new drugs, such as next-generation anti-cancer drugs. Google DeepMind, which created AI models like ‘AlphaGo’, presented ‘AlphaFold 3’, the latest version of AI that predicts protein structures, on the 8th. ‘AlphaFold 2’, released three years ago, discovered the protein structure of cells that scientists had been unable to solve for 10 years in just 30 minutes. ‘Alpha Fold 3’ has improved accuracy by 50% compared to the previous version.

◇ Notable progress in the development of targeted anticancer drugs

Cancer, the leading cause of death from disease in Korea, occurs when normal cells undergo a genetic mutation and become cancerous cells. Cancer cells are characterized by infinite growth and division. The next generation targeted anticancer drugs currently being developed aim to stop growth and metastasis by acting only on cancer cells without affecting other normal cells. To do this, we need to understand the protein structure of cancer cells and predict the protein structure of anticancer drugs that will act on it. But this is not easy.

Proteins are combinations of amino acids. The blueprint created by DNA determines how amino acids combine and what form they take after combining. Identifying and predicting this structure is a challenge. Until now, protein structures have been confirmed by artificially irradiat

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Revolutionizing Drug Development: The Impact of AI Model ‘AlphaFold 3’

Martin Brudermüller is the new chairman of the Mercedes supervisory board

The 63-year-old Brudermüller is a chemist through and through and not an electrical or mechanical engineer like most automotive executives. As the long-time head of BASF, the leading manufacturer of chemicals, plastics, paints and catalysts for the automotive industry, he still knows this industry and its challenges well. Brudermüller has been CEO of BASF since 2018. The doctor of chemistry, a native of Stuttgart, worked for the world‘s largest chemical company for 36 years, where he began his career in the ammonia laboratory.


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Martin Brudermüller is the new chairman of the Mercedes supervisory board

Interest rate turnaround in 2023: Germans’ savings will increase
– 2024-05-08 17:29:49

The EU’s interest rate policy has benefited German savers brought a windfall. Your assets are climbing to new highs. This is how much money a private household has.

Private households in Germany had net financial assets of 245.6 billion euros in 2023, after 215.5 billion euros in 2022. The savings rate rose from 11.1 to 11.4 percent and remains in the upper range of its average since reunification. This is the result of a study by the Federal Association of German Volksbanks and Raiffeisenbanks. V. (BVR) for the accumulation of financial assets by German citizens.

Time deposits are attractive again

After stocks and investment funds recorded particularly high inflows during the low interest rate phase and in the wake of the corona pandemic, fixed-interest investments are now also becoming more attractive, according to the study.

In 2023, German savers increased their holdings of time deposits and pension securities by a good half compared to the previous year and increased the volume of savings bonds held fivefold.

“Savers are reacting to the chang

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Interest rate turnaround in 2023: Germans’ savings will increase – 2024-05-08 17:29:49

BCR: Terms of trade grew 5.3% in 2023

Central Reserve Bank of Peru.

The terms of trade reached an increase of 5.3 percent last year, recovering from the drop recorded in 2022.

Export prices decreased 1.9 percent, due to the mineral and hydrocarbon sectors; while import prices fell 6.8 percent, due to the behavior of inputs.

In December 2023, the terms of trade registered an increase of 9.4 percent compared to the same month of 2022. This advance was favored by the increase in export prices of 2.8 percent, mainly due to the increase in the price copper (11.2 pe

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BCR: Terms of trade grew 5.3% in 2023

“Eurocash1” was the first in Lithuania to start providing the service of smart safes | Business

Eurocash1 is the first in Lithuania to transfer funds stored in smart safes to bank accounts.

According to Justin Drėgva, director of Eurocash1, smart safes are a convenient alternative for cash collection for those companies where customers often pay with banknotes and coins, which are located in remote areas, as well as for large shopping centers with many stores and cashiers.

Although in Lithuania and throughout Europe, cash payments are decreasing every year, nevertheless, in certain places, e.g. in tourist facilities, market places, rural cafes, payment is often made in cash, which has to be collected periodically.

“Using a smart safe, every cashier or other authorized employee can conveniently deposit money into the company’s account whenever needed. An unlimited number of different and unrelated companies can use the smart safe.

They no longer need to accumulate large amounts of money and store them, cash is recalculated in the smart safe at the time of deposit and soon credited to each company’s account, and each employee of the company is issued an individual money deposit document, – says J.Drėgva. “Eurocash1 immediately assumes responsibility for the money deposited in the smart safe, the entire amount of funds is insured.”

According to the head of the security company, smart safes help customers save time at different stages of cash management. At least 5-10 minutes for each cashier shortens the process of pre

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“Eurocash1” was the first in Lithuania to start providing the service of smart safes | Business

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