Daniel Veinbergs: Behind the tax wall there is happiness | Life

Comedians Daniel Veinbergs, Mikael Meema and Sander Õigus looked back on the most important events and people of the past year in the show “Hommik Anuga”.

According to Veinbergs, the political jokes du jour get old very quickly. He added that at this moment it is also difficult to make fun of Kaja Kallas. “Everyone is already very angry with her. Then, paradoxically, what works in comedy is when you talk about how much you like Kaja Kalla,” he noted.

“I think on a human level we’re kind of in a relationship with our prime minister, and what irritates people in any relationship is when someone just doesn’t accept the blame. Say ‘please excuse me’ once, why should I always do that? guilt,” Meema laughed.

Arvo Pärt’s latest album “Tractus” was acclaimed abroad. According to Meema, Arvo Pärt is like Transferwise and Skype for the average Estonian. If it is mentioned in the news, according to Meema, they are figuratively printed together in one image. “But as in reality, how many Estonians listened to Arvo Pärt’s new album, it’s a bit sad compared to how many listened to Hunt,” Meema said.

Law pointed out that there is a similar history with the demonstration. “Nobody was interested until that time, until Ott started doing it and now we tell ourselves that rallying is an important sport. I understand how much it brings happiness to the Estonian people and I know how much trouble I’m driving all those who don’t rally are one thing important in this world,” Law said.

Times magazine chose Taylor Swift as its Person of the Year. “It wasn’t one of the biggest sanctions against Russia that took the Swift away from him,” Veinbergs smiled. “A very powerful woman, one of the most successful women of all time. I heard that she really writes and sings. It’s 100% her and that’s always impressive,” Veinbergs finally noted about the non-payment system of the singer.

The right was disappointed by the global hit film “Barbie”. “If you have this worldview, that before this movie you didn’t think that women should also get paid and be equal members of society, then if this is shocking information to you, it could be really eye-opening and incredible,” she said. stated. she said.

Weinbergs understood why people are sad. “I think people have become so sad because they don’t pay for their news. If you read until the text becomes blurry, so does your view of the world. There is happiness behind the tax wall,” Veinbergs explained , explaining how news is taxed. articles can be misleading with titles.

However, according to Veinbergs, the tax increase is good for the figure. “The less you have worldly pleasures to focus on, the more you can talk to God, grow as a person. Don’t see the fact that it’s cold at home and there’s no food as a bad thing,” Óigus added.

Weinbergs agrees that tax reform is not harsh, but thoroughly Buddhist. “It helps us get rid of the traps of the world that make people unhappy. Money in my account? No thanks.”

2024-01-01 10:51:00

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