Daughter of gallery founder Mailis Timmi: opening a new gallery is a bold act Art

“OP” visited the Tütar Gallery, which has been open for seven months in Noblessner, to find out how the small start-up gallery is doing. According to Mailis Timmi, founder and director of the gallery, the beginning went well, but you have to work hard to survive.

“We had extremely beautiful and versatile exhibitions, and not only ourselves, but also art critics and industry professionals think so. And we are very satisfied with how the collaboration with the artists went. Having a construction tannery around us ago We don’t change the most important ones, but certainly the real enthusiasts have already been here,” he said, adding that the gallery’s survival depends entirely on sales. “We are actively working to create a community of art collectors around us. But our mission and our biggest goal is definitely to take Estonian contemporary art out of Estonia and introduce it. This is what motivates us .”

According to Timm, an important motivation for the creation of the gallery was also the fact that not all artists fall under the wing of current galleries. “It’s not easy to satisfy everyone’s needs. Estonian artists need more galleries. And that was definitely one of the biggest motivators, but in terms of the business plan, of course, nothing is certain about our survival. I think the opening of our gallery was perhaps one of the boldest acts of the Estonian economy in 2023,” said the gallery owner.

According to Timm, it is also important to spread awareness that buying art from a gallery is not necessarily more expensive than buying it directly from the artist. “After all, the artist and the gallery collaborate with each other, and this collaboration does not simply mean that it is a shop where a percentage is added to the goods.”

2024-01-20 10:24:00

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