health today: 2024-04-27 17:52:00

The Rising Trend of Breast Cancer in Young Adults: Understanding the Unsettling Reality

Exploring the Journey of Breast Cancer: An Unfortunate Encounter

Finding Answers Amidst Uncertainty

I was confronted with a harsh reality that shattered the assumption of invincibility that often accompanies youth. At the tender age of 23, I received a breast cancer diagnosis in October. My world turned upside down as questions swirled in my mind. Why did this happen? Isn’t breast cancer reserved for those with a family history or genetic predisposition? The search for answers began.

Endless theories were presented to me – excessive sugar consumption, exposure to plastic, even unconventional habits like storing my phone in my bra. People were desperate to make sense of it, not just for themselves but also to protect their own vulnerability. The unsettling truth emerges – if it happened to me, it could possibly strike anyone else in their prime.

Invasive breast cancer diagnoses among women under 40 are relatively rare, accounting for only 4 percent in 2022 statistics. However, recent studies expose a rising trend among young individuals facing this formidable disease.

The Elusive Nature of Diagnosis

The journey commenced when I discovered a substantial lump during a seemingly normal shower routine back in June 2023. Initially dismissing it as trivial matter, the persistence nudged me towards voicing my concerns to my primary care doctor who recommended an ultrasound examination.

Yet waiting three long months for an appointment casted doubt and raised anxiety levels within me and prompted me to call upon familial support from Phoenix while endu

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The Rising Trend of Breast Cancer in Young Adults: Understanding the Unsettling Reality

PAHO and Canada increase access to Covid-19 vaccines in Latin America and the Caribbean

Jamaica, Haiti and Colombia will split three-quarters of the $33.4 million.

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Government of Canada announced in Jamaica that they have resumed collaboration to increase access to vaccines against Covid-19 for lagging populations in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In this way, Canada will provide 33.4 million dollars to PAHO in its support for the health response, adding another 40 million that the North American country granted to the Pan American organization in May 2021.

Of those 33.4 million, three-quarters will be divided for Jamaica, Haiti and Colombia, as announced Friday afternoon in the Jamaican capital, Kingston, during the Canada Global Initiative for Vaccination Equality event.

This proj

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This fruit, very popular in summer, can lead you to the emergency room according to doctors

#fruit #popular #summer #lead #emergency #room #doctors

Par Francis Uliel

– Published on April 27, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

Avoid consuming this fruit if you have kidney disease, as it can cause hyperkalemia.


  • 📅 Summer is approaching, signaling the return of fresh fruit juices which, despite their benefits, can represent a health risk.

  • 🚨 Three case studies reveal that this fruit, rich in water, vitamins and potassium, can cause serious health problems in people with chronic kidney disease.

  • 💡 Consuming it in moderation is crucial, especially for those suffering from kidney conditions, to avoid complications like hyperkalemia.

Summer is coming soon. It marks the return of succulent fruit juices to sip at the beach or by the pool. And what’s better than a good refreshing watermelon juice or a nice slice of watermelon to munch on, but in moderation. And for good reason : watermelon represents a health hazard. Three new case studies highlight the threat facing lovers of this green and red fruit. Indeed, this juicy fruit contains an immense amount of wate

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This fruit, very popular in summer, can lead you to the emergency room according to doctors

Little known, this anti-cholesterol vegetable is excellent for the heart

It would be able to significantly reduce the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

Eating fruits and vegetables helps maintain good cardiovascular health. But not all vegetables are equal, as Chinese researchers show in the scientific journal Food & Function. According to them, a family of vegetables is particularly protective for the heart and arteries, much more than other vegetables. One of these vegetables, little consumed in France, would be particularly good for reducing cholesterol, one of the main cardiovascular risk factors.

This vegetable is easily found in supermarkets, in greengrocers, in markets or even in Asian grocery stores

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Little known, this anti-cholesterol vegetable is excellent for the heart

it has the “power” to improve mood according to science

We all have our own opinion on what happiness is. Whether it’s a question of attitude, philosophy of life or a different way of seeing things, happiness is a conditioned subjective concept by many factors, some beyond our reach. Science has tried to shed light on these issues and has discovered some factors that influence our mood and well-being, such as diet and the intake of certain infusions.

The 5 best infusions for breakfast: healthy and coffee replacement


He talks about it daily habits that activate happiness hormones such as practicing physical exercise, talking positively to ourselves, identifying emotions, maintaining social relationships, hugging and being hugged. Food also plays a fundamental role and we know it some foods such as chocolatenuts, bananas and yogurt help the brain produce chemicals linked to happiness.

As regards infusions, some scientific studies believe that some medicinal plants and herbs can have positive effects on the body mood and emotional well-being. But why? Well, it turns out that they contain substances that act on the nervous system, brain and hormones, modulating stress, anxiety, depression and sleep. One of them is lavender tea.

Why is lavender tea good?

In itself, drinking a hot herbal tea in the middle of winter is one of the most comforting gestures for the body. Likewise, in summer we appreciate a fresh and light infusion that helps us feel hydrated and fresh. But furthermore, according to a investigation on the effects of lavender on the nervous system, published in Hindawi Publishing Corporation, lavender has sedative, relaxing, antidepressant propertiesanti-inflammator

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it has the “power” to improve mood according to science

Three Principles to Remember for Aging Well Without Getting Sick

There is a huge amount of anti-aging research going on around the world, but as research progresses, the most effective way is to maintain balance in the autonomic nervous system by eating well, sleeping well, thinking positively , exercising moderately, resting well. , and maintaining a peaceful sex life according to the natural order of nature I was able to confirm once again that this was the case. This time we talk about “Three principles to remember to grow old without getting sick”.

eat less

Patients meeting in the clinic very often ask what food they should eat. But more important than finding and eating good foods is deciding which foods to eat and how to eat them. “Eat less” is an immutable principle in the longevity diet. Areas with many people living long lives are called “blue zones.” Some common habits were discovered among people living in this blue zone and one of them was eating small meals.

It is also the basis of a detox diet to eliminate toxins from the body and restore the autonomic nervous system. If you eat too much, your body becomes heavy and your five organs become tired. Additionally, the blood becomes cloudy and oxygen levels increase, which accelerates aging. When you eat it, the free radicals generated during digestion are reduced, your body becomes lighter and your blood becomes clearer.

The news of reducing the total amount of food is good, as is intermittent fasting, which involves stopping food consumption intermittently. However, intermittent fasting is only recommended for healthy people and should not be confused with intermittent binge eating. You should also monitor the amount of food you eat after fasting.

Reducing the amount of food you eat in this way reduces the

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Three Principles to Remember for Aging Well Without Getting Sick

Tumor, doctor-patient relationship: in the theater there is Wit, on the need for sharing according to John Donne: “No man is an island”

Wit, the show on stage at the Teatro Due in Parma until 30 April, is eighty minutes of patient-doctor conversations, hospital neon lights and lines of poetry in which the comma is taken seriously: a quick and painless watershed between life and death . The poems are by John Donne: the eighteenth-century English poet, preacher and metaphysical scholar, that of “No man is an island.” The comma accabadora is contained in the ending of the tenth Sonnet: “And after a shor

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Tumor, doctor-patient relationship: in the theater there is Wit, on the need for sharing according to John Donne: “No man is an island”

67-year-old Jonah suffered from a mysterious pain, but the man found a way to remove toxins from the intestines

At the age of 67, he faced unexpected challenges that alternative medicine helped to solve. Today, having already forgotten his ailments, Mr. Jonas shares his practical experience of wellness.

“In my youth, I had to do a lot of sports, but as circumstances changed, and with age and lifestyle, the scale of daily rhythm and training, gradually gaining more and more momentum, began to go down.

After 14-16 hours of carving wood sculptures every day, my body slowly stagnated due to the lack of physical exertion. I ate only when I felt hungry, and that was mostly semi-finished products, so that I could fill my stomach faster and get back to my favorite work.

To make up for lost time and improve my physical shape, I began to do field work: planting trees, rolling stones, and mowing the ever-growing grass with tireless enthusiasm. When working physically, I even lost track of time and didn’t want to eat at all. While “training” in this way, I finally started to feel a constant swelling in the stomach area, which was getting stronger,” says Mr. Jonas Raiskas from Birštonas.

As the ailments persisted, he turned to the laboratory for tests – it turned out that the health problems were caused by the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria that “settled” in the stomach and caused the infection.

Antibiotics were prescribed for treatment, but while taking them, Mr. Jonas did not reduce physical exertion. A few weeks later, he felt pain in his lower bac

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67-year-old Jonah suffered from a mysterious pain, but the man found a way to remove toxins from the intestines

Professor P. Šerpytis invites you to get to know your heart: “By following a few rules, we will enjoy youth and good health longer”

September 29 World Heart Day is celebrated. On this occasion, Pranas Šerpytis, professor of Vilnius University, cardiologist of the Heart and Vascular Clinic, urges us to look at ourselves and think about how we can change in order to preserve our heart health. What are the seven rules we should follow to avoid cardiovascular disease? What does heart health have to do with good emotions, quality sleep and music? Is it worth reducing high cholesterol, or is it just a fantasy of doctors?

According to the professor, cardiovascular diseases are still one of the main causes of death worldwide. We can change this if we change ourselves – by following a few simple lifestyle rules, we can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 80%.

The professor singles out 7 basic rules for a healthy heart:

  1. physical activity,
  2. proper nutrition,
  3. arterial blood pressure control,
  4. the right amount of cholesterol,
  5. maintaining a healthy body weight,
  6. proper blood sugar levels,
  7. not smoking

According to prof. Mr. Šerpytis, it is especially important to be physically active. “We need to talk about the benefits of physical activity in all age groups – both in kindergartens and schools and in later stages of life. It is extremely important to promote physical activity in the family, because it is here that the proper behavior of the child is formed, family members themselves must be active and set an example for the children. “Physical activity is a magic pill for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, but we can’t just swallow it – we have to earn it ourselves by taking action,” he says.

The importance of good emotions and quality sleep

According to the professor, chronic stress is also one of the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

Mr. Šerpytis.

“If we experience stress every day, it accumulates and increases our arterial blood pressure. Stress is a good thing, it helps us function, but repeated stress causes negative changes in our body. Constant nervous tension is associated with internal changes in blood vessels and hormones, all of which promote the development of cardiovascular diseases. Unknown to many, chronic stress can also be caused by various chronic inflammations, such as periodontitis. This disease increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases by about 30 percent. Therefore, oral hygiene is also an important factor. Chronic stress can also be caused by other ailments, such as gallbladder or kidney inflammatory processes,” says the cardiologist.

According to him, in order to have a healthy heart, it is also important to surround yourself with positive emotions and get

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Professor P. Šerpytis invites you to get to know your heart: “By following a few rules, we will enjoy youth and good health longer”

Unlocking the Fountain of Youth: Breakthrough Anti-Aging Treatments and Research

Scientists and researchers around the world are tirelessly searching for ways to combat the effects of aging. From extending the healthy lifespan to rejuvenating cells, the field of anti-aging research is full of promising ideas and potential breakthroughs.


Read the full story:

Unlocking the Fountain of Youth: Breakthrough Anti-Aging Treatments and Research

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