health today: 2024-04-29 13:51:00

Unlicensed Spa Linked to First Cases of HIV Transmission via Cosmetic Needle Procedures, CDC Report Reveals

Exploring a Safer Future: Innovative Solutions for Cosmetic Procedures Involving Needles

The Risks Unveiled

Recent developments in the world of cosmetic procedures have shed light on the potential risks posed by unlicensed medical spas and inadequate infection control practices. Three women in New Mexico made history as they became the first documented cases of individuals contracting HIV through a needle-based cosmetic treatment, commonly known as a “vampire facial.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s investigation from 2018 to 2023 revealed that these infections occurred due to the reuse of disposable equipment intended for single-use only.

Beyond Contaminated Blood

While it is widely recognized that HIV transmission may occur through contaminated blood via unsterile injections, this alarming incident marks the first time such infections have been linked specifically to cosmetic services. With numerous popular procedures relying on needles – Botox administration, lip fillers, vampire facials – this revelation raises concerns about the wider safety landscape surrounding these treatments. Even tattoos, an art for

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Unlicensed Spa Linked to First Cases of HIV Transmission via Cosmetic Needle Procedures, CDC Report Reveals

Juice rich in vitamin A that helps protect teeth

The carrot, scientifically known as Daucus carota sativus, is a vegetable native to Europe and southwest Asia.

The orange tone of this vegetable is due to the presence of carotenes, antioxidants that are converted into beta-carotenes or vitamin A in the human body.

It is believed that its cultivation began in Iran centuries ago, being appreciated mainly for its aromatic leaves and seeds, rather than its root.

What are the health benefits of drinking carrot juice?

Consuming a glass of carrot juice daily can provide notable health benefits, given its rich c

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Juice rich in vitamin A that helps protect teeth

Chile will host the First Latin American Animal Welfare Meeting – Press releases from the pork sector

#Chile #host #Latin #American #Animal #Welfare #Meeting #Press #releases #pork #sector

ELBA 2024 will bring together leaders, authorities and professionals committed to animal welfare in three key areas: welfare in poultry and pig production, welfare in aquaculture production, and animal welfare in companion animals.

The objectives of the congress are: to raise the quality of animal production and promote ‘One Welfare’, a concept that addresses well-being within the framework of animal production or healthcare for companion animals, including all those who participate in the process, t

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Chile will host the First Latin American Animal Welfare Meeting – Press releases from the pork sector

sport, a simple prescription for sleeping better


To be in Olympic shape, moving is a necessity. But it is also necessary to sleep well. So much so that in strategies to optimize athlete performance, sleep is an integral part of preparation.

For ordinary people who are not aiming for an Olympic medal but trying to stay healthy as long as possible, the alliance between regular physical activity and quality of sleep is also necessary.

This issue of the health magazine “Take care of yourself!” », animated with education and a touch of humor by Michel Cymes, looks at the most effective methods to overcome sleep disorders.

A general public problem, since it is estimated that 30% of French people suffer from these inconveniences. Beyond debilitating daily fatigue, they can promote worrying phenomena such as hypertension, the r

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sport, a simple prescription for sleeping better

Government increases target audience for HPV vaccination

Patients with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis are now among the priority groups for HPV vaccination. The inclusion, according to the Ministry of Health, was motivated by publications demonstrating the benefits of the vaccine as an auxiliary treatment of the disease, indicating a reduction in the number and spacing of relapses in immunized patients.

The HPV vaccine, in the case of patients suffering from recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, will be offered upon presentation of a medical prescription. For patients under the age of 18 it is also necessary to present a document with the consent of the parents or guardian.


According to the file, recurrent respiratory papillomatosis is a rare disease, generally benign, but which can cause serious clinical and psychological harm in those affected. The condition affects both children and adults.

Caused by the HPV infection itself, especially types 6 and 11, the disease is characterized by the

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Government increases target audience for HPV vaccination

Understanding the Science Behind Bubbles in Stew: Why They Form and How to Deal with Them

The reason bubbles appear in stew is because the protein or starch components do not dissolve in water but coagulate and float. Photo = Ministry of Food Safety and Pharmaceuticals

[소셜타임스=정은영 기자]

Foam may form when cooking stews or soups. The more it bubbles, the more it forms and you may need to keep skimming it until it goes away. In particular, across cooking programs, it is common to notice the formation of foam during cooking.

The reason bubbles form when soups or stews boil is due to the protein or starch components. These food ingredient ingredients do not dissolve in the soup, but coagulate and float to the surface.

The principle is similar to that with which bubbles form due to starch when cooking rice.

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Understanding the Science Behind Bubbles in Stew: Why They Form and How to Deal with Them

Alcohol is not the only problem for our liver health: pay close attention to these foods

Alcohol abuse can lead to a number of health problems, including liver damage. But there are also other risk factors

Alcohol, which has always been present in our societies, is a substance that can lead to both moments of conviviality and serious health problems, particularly when it comes to liver health. This vital organ is essential for the metabolism and purification of our body, but it is also vulnerable to damage caused by alcohol abuse. However, It is not just alcohol, as one might think, that is the only cause of liver problems.

Alcohol abuse can lead to a number of health problems, including liver damage. The alcoholic hepatitis is an inflammatory condition that occurs following excessive and prolonged consumption of alcohol. This inflammation can damage liver cells and interfere with the liver’s vital functions, compromising its role in detoxifying the body and producing essential proteins.

One of the most serious results of chron

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Alcohol is not the only problem for our liver health: pay close attention to these foods

“Any woman who wants to get pregnant must stop ‘this’”

Getty Image Bank.

A study found that women who smoke e-cigarettes have a reduced chance of becoming pregnant. This study is considered the first large-scale study to prove the link between e-cigarettes and fertility.

According to foreign media such as the British Guardian on the 26th (local time), Hertility, a British women’s health company, announced the results of a study based on data from 325,000 women in their 20s and 30s. In the study, a quarter of women trying to get pregnant said they smoked e-cigarettes regularly or occasionally.

A study analyzing blood samples from 8,340 women found that women who smoked regular cigarettes or electronic cigarettes had low levels of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH). Anti-Müllerian hormone is often compared to ov

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“Any woman who wants to get pregnant must stop ‘this’”

Atrial Fibrillation More Dangerous in Younger Population Than Previously Thought: UPMC Study

Atrial Fibrillation More Dangerous for Younger People Than Previously Believed: Study Reveals

Atrial Fibrillation More Dangerous for Younger People Than Previously Believed: Study Reveals

Recent research has shown that atrial fibrillation (Afib), a common type of arrhythmia, is more dangerous in people under 65 than previously believed. This new study, published in Circulation Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, reveals that young Afib patients are at a higher risk of severe health complications and reduced survival rates, necessitating further research for improved treatment options.

Rising Severity of Afib in Younger Population

Atrial fibrillation, a condition characterized by irregular heartbeats, has been on the rise among people under 65. The study, conducted by physician-scientists at the UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute, has revealed that this condition is more dangerous in younger patients than previously thought. This finding contradicts the common notion that

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Atrial Fibrillation More Dangerous in Younger Population Than Previously Thought: UPMC Study

The Power of Hugging: Psychological and Physical Health Benefits Revealed

2024-04-29 13:23:00

Written by Marwa Mahmoud Elias

Monday April 29, 2024 4:23 p.m.

Cuddles In prison or among friends, does this have a positive impact on psychological and physical health? This is confirmed by a report published on the Therapybrands website dedicated to psychological and mental health.

Hugging protects against mental illness

Warm hugs have psychological benefits, including:

Respect me

It makes you respect yourself before you value the person you’re kissing. It increases your value, like a beautiful mirror. It easily shows you your importance and status. It amplifies your feelings about yourself and makes you love yourself. more.

Promotes good humor and happiness

Hugging has many psychological and mental health benefits, one of them being that it improves a person’s self-esteem. Hugs, especially those from family or friends, improve our level of happiness and good mood.

It reduc

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The Power of Hugging: Psychological and Physical Health Benefits Revealed

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