health today: 2024-05-06 09:14:00

New Brain Atlas Provides Comprehensive View of Genetic Development During Early Embryonic Stages

Unlocking the Mysteries of Brain Development: A Comprehensive Atlas Reveals New Insights

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have unveiled a groundbreaking atlas that provides a detailed understanding of early genetic development in the brain. Covering weeks 6 to 13 of embryonic growth, this pioneering work offers an unprecedented glimpse into gene regulation across various brain regions, surpassing previous studies that focused primarily on the cortex.

The profound implications of this atlas extend far beyond developmental biology. By shedding light on faulty genetic processes leading to pediatric brain tumors, it holds immense promise for the development of targeted treatments. Moreover, this research is part of the ambitious “Human Developmental Cell Atlas” project, which aims to comprehensively map genetic development across different organs.

Extensive Brain Mapping Unveils Gene Activation and Cellular Development

“This is the first comprehensive study of brain development with a focus on gene regulation.”

This revolutionary atlas delves deep into intricate details by providing an extensive map highlighting gene activation and cellular development during early embryonic stages. By scrutinizing each region meticulously, researchers can now grasp how genes are regu

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New Brain Atlas Provides Comprehensive View of Genetic Development During Early Embryonic Stages

‘The role of midwifery nurses in the climate crisis is immense’
– 2024-05-05 21:59:04

International Midwife Day was celebrated at Amjad Khan Chowdhury Nursing College, Natore. On Sunday (May 5), the teachers and students of the college celebrated the day through various programs.

In line with the international theme, the theme of this year’s Midwives Day in Bangladesh has been set as ‘Midwives are indispensable manpower in the climate crisis.’ The day is celebrated internationally through a series of events to honor the work of midwives in the maternal health care system and to recognize the significant contribution midwives make to the lives of millions of mothers and babies around the world.


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‘The role of midwifery nurses in the climate crisis is immense’ – 2024-05-05 21:59:04

Sudden palpitations: if they are associated with these symptoms you should rush to the cardiologist

#Sudden #palpitations #symptoms #rush #cardiologist

If sudden palpitations are associated with symptoms, you need to rush to the cardiologist immediately: here are the warning signs.

Almost everyone has heard it at least once in their life the heart beats suddenly more loudly or quickly, even without physical effort. Typically, these palpitations actually reflect a sudden change in heart rate and in some cases you have to worry.

Most of the time, the sudden palpitations are not dangerous when they occur in people who do not have cardiovascular pathologies, even if initially many fear that there may be a heart problem. Lintensity of palpitations in a person it does not determine the severity of the condition.

However, things change when these events occur in subjects with cardiovascular diseases, but especially when the palpitation

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Sudden palpitations: if they are associated with these symptoms you should rush to the cardiologist

Music against insomnia: this is the best song to relax and sleep, according to science | Health | Magazine

Music, that universal language capable of touching the soul, can be a possible remedy against insomnia, a condition that causes so many disorders. According to science, there is a song that is the best for falling asleep.

If you suffer from insomnia, it is not a good idea to go to bed on an empty stomach: three foods that help you fall asleep

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, insomnia is a common condition characterized by problems falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting a restful night’s rest.

That same body explains that it not only prevents falling asleep or maintaining it, but also affects the quality of life, generates fatigue, daytime sleepiness, and its duration can vary from days to weeks.

This disorder, which can be triggered by stress or changes in routine, has a cure in music, offering a sweet melody to calm the mind and promote rest.

What music is good for sleeping?

Music offers an effective remedy for insomnia, resulting in a significant improvement in quality of life.

According to the Body Mind website, certain melodies can exert a calming effect comparable to that of anti-anxiety and sedative medications used in surgeries with local anesthesia.

The natural, safe and easy-to-prepare sleeping pill to end insomnia and sleep soundly all night

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, cited by the health portal, confirmed this with a specific piece of music.

Insomnia problems affect overall health. Photo: Freepik Photo: Freepik

What is the best song to sleep with?

The study mentioned by the portal compared the effects of the benzodiazepine with those of the subject Weightlessrecognized as the most relaxing song in the world.

The results indicated that music could be a viable alternative to using medications to manage anxiety.

“Weightless,” the song used by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in a clinical trial with patients, is a work by the British group Marconi Union.

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This piece, according to Body Mind, was studied by neuroscientists from Mindlab International, led by Dr. David Lewis-Hodgson, to identify the most relaxing songs.

When comparing 10 compositions and measuring their impact on the physiological constants of 20 individuals, “Weightless” stood out for reducing anxiety by 65%, the most signific

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Music against insomnia: this is the best song to relax and sleep, according to science | Health | Magazine

A mutation of bacteria observed on the International Space Station

International Space Station (International Space Station).

REPUBBLICA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – It is impossible for any human being to never come into contact with bacteria. However, with many types of bacteria linked to various diseases, it is important to check which type of bacteria is present.

Apparently this bacterium is not only in the spotlight on Earth, but also on the International Space Station (ISS). Recently, researchers have discovered bacteria in ISS observed mutating in bacteria that were previously completely unknown.

Quoted from the page BGRon Monday (05/06/2024), scientists highlighted this for the first time in 2018. At that time, five subject to tension multidrug-resistant bacteria on the ISS. The bacterium is a new enterobacterial species Enterobacter bugandensis.

Now, in 2024, researchers say there will be at least 13 subject to tension from Enterobacter bugandensis was discovered on the ISS. It means, subject to tension The original bacteria mutated into several new strains of bacteria never seen on Earth.

Because the ISS is a highly controlled, discovery environment subject to tension This new bacterium has raised some interesting questions about future space travel. Monitoring the microbes and bacteria living on the ISS is very important.

One of the goals is to ensure that astronauts remain healthy while serving on the ISS. Because of the microgravity and increased radiation exposure afforded by the space station, some bacteria can often mutate into new types.

In a study publishe

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A mutation of bacteria observed on the International Space Station

First Aid for Child with Convulsions from High Fever: What Parents Need to Know

First aid method The child has convulsions from high fever Ask the child to lie on his side with his head turned to the side. Do not use any material to fill your mouth. Avoid using cold water to dry yourself. Hurry up and get him to the hospital.

Dr Sakarn Bunnag, deputy director general of the Department of Medical Services, said the seizures were caused by high fever. It’s a medical emergency. which can be found year-round Because young children have a chance of having a high fever for many different reasons, including the common cold. Tonsillitis, rash, or diarrhea when fever is 38.5 degrees Celsius or higher. In young children from 6 months to 5-6 years, especially in the first 1-2 years of age, there is a risk of febrile convulsions. This is most common during the first 1-2 days of fever.

The child has convulsions due to high fever First aid method

Guidelines for parents or guardians who have young children in this age group Then he had a seizure due to

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First Aid for Child with Convulsions from High Fever: What Parents Need to Know

Revolutionizing Medicine: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Scientist Lara Lloret is revolutionizing the field of particle physics by shifting her focus to artificial intelligence applied to medicine. In the last decade, AI has seen significant growth and is becoming a critical tool for developing personalized treatments. Lloret and researcher Miriam Cobo have co-authored a book discussing the challenges and potential of AI in healthcare.

In a recent interview with EFE, Lloret and Cobo emphasized that AI has been around since the 1950s but has seen a surge in advancements with deep learning and improved computat

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Revolutionizing Medicine: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Discover the Benefits of Oxytocin: 5 Ways to Naturally Increase Your Levels

What exactly is oxytocin?

Oxytocin is a peptide hormone secreted by the hypothalamus, an area of ​​the brain. It acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Its properties are interesting:

  • It stimulates contractions during labor and stimulates milk production
  • It promotes the mother’s attachment to the newborn during feeding
  • It is released in large quantities during intercourse and orgasm, enhancing the sensation of pleasure
  • It facilitates the creation of emotional and social bonds, a sense of trust and empathy
  • It reduces stress, anxiety and controls blood pressure

It is therefore called the “hormone of happiness and love” because of its effects, both physical and emotional, on the body and the mind. Researchers are even studying its therapeutic potential in the treatment of certain disorders such as autism or Prader-Willi syndrome, which affect social skills.

5 ways to increase your oxytocin levels naturally

The good news is that it is possible to stimulate the secretion of oxytocin through simple practices that are accessible to everyone. Here are 5 that are particularly effective.

1. Smile and laugh out loud

Smiling is one of the most powerful oxytocin triggers. When you smile at som

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Discover the Benefits of Oxytocin: 5 Ways to Naturally Increase Your Levels

Rising Cancer Cases in Lebanon Linked to Air Pollution from Electricity Generators: Study Reveals Alarming Statistics

These numbers may seem terrible, but they have a precedent from previous years, because in 2018 Lebanon registered about 17,000 new cases of cancer and about 9,000 deaths, which made it the first place among countries West Asian in the number of diseases compared to the population, and third place in the classification of deaths compared to the number of cases For the population.

However, these numbers are still very dangerous, and have a terrible impact on many residents, male and female, who cannot access medicine, due to a decline in their income and as resulting in the widespread estimates of a doubling of the cancer population. issues and an increase in the risk of contracting it as a direct result of the increase in air pollution due to the release of electricity generators after the electricity crisis, as well as a deterioration in public safety and sanitary conditions with hardships in consumption public on the environment, waste treatment, health, and everything related to social issues and human development for the residents of Lebanon.

Air pollution is one of the most prominent factors contributing to the increase in cancer cases in Lebanon, especially lung cancer, which accounts for 12% of all cases (and the second -only for breast cancer), and is the first cause of death from this. infection at a rate of 19.3%.

Representative Najat Saliba, executive director of the Academy of the Environment at the American University and supervisor of a study prepared by the American University of Beirut, says that air pollution in Beirut due to the release of private electricity generators has doubled from 23% to between 46% and 50% between 2017 and 2023.

The study is based on its methodology on a comparative study between the years 2013 and 2023 of air quality in the city of Beirut in three main areas: the center of Beirut, near the American University, and the destinations in Tariq al-Jadidah.

Since the beginning of the economic crisis in Lebanon in 2019, and the reduction in production from t

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Rising Cancer Cases in Lebanon Linked to Air Pollution from Electricity Generators: Study Reveals Alarming Statistics

Stallergenes Greer Study Shows Significant Reduction in Asthma Risk: EfficAPSI Published in The Lancet – Learn More!

2024-05-06 08:46:14

Stallergenes Greer, a biopharmaceutical laboratory specializing in allergen immunotherapy (ITA), announces the results of its real-world study, EfficAPSI, evaluating the effect of its sublingual ITA solutions on the onset and progression of asthma in patients with allergic rhinitis, was published in the journal The Lancet Regional Health-Europe. This article has already been published online (, will soon be available in print.

This real-life longitudinal and retrospective pharmaco-epidemiological study evaluated, over a period of 9 years, more than 440,000 patients: more than 110,000 patients suffering from allergic rhinitis, with or without asthma, treated with Stallergenes Greer sublingual solutions and symptomatic medications; compared with more than 330,000 patients suffering from allergic rhinitis, with or without asthma, treated only with symptomatic drugs.

The main objective of the study was to evaluate the real effect of Stallergenes Greer sublingual solutions in preventing the onset and exacerbation of asthma in patients with allergic rhinitis. The results of the study are consistent across all age categories (from 5 years), allergens and evaluation criteria.

EfficAPSI showed, in patients treated with Stallergenes Greer sublingual solutions and symptomatic medications, compared to patients treated with only symptomatic medications:

  • a 36% reduction in the risk of new asthma attacks across the cohort*;
  • a 38% reduction in the risk of developing asthma in patients without existing asthma;
  • a

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Stallergenes Greer Study Shows Significant Reduction in Asthma Risk: EfficAPSI Published in The Lancet – Learn More!

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