health today: 2024-05-07 02:21:00

Creatine: Boosting Cognitive Functions Impaired by Sleep Deprivation, Study Finds

Creatine Use Linked to Enhanced Cognitive Function During Sleep Deprivation

Unlocking the Potential of Creatine: From Physical Performance Enhancer to Cognitive Booster

Recent research conducted by experts at Forschungszentrum Jülich has shed light on a fascinating aspect of creatine, a widely popular supplement primarily known for its positive impact on physical performance. The study, published in Scientific Reports, reveals that creatine can also temporarily enhance cognitive abilities affected by sleep deprivation.

Promising Results: Improved Processing Capacity and Short-Term Memory

In the study, 15 test subjects were intentionally deprived of sleep overnight while performing cognitive tasks. This deprivation triggers changes in brain metabolism that facilitate the cellular uptake of creatine. Prior to testing, participants receiv

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Creatine: Boosting Cognitive Functions Impaired by Sleep Deprivation, Study Finds

Kissing, a love ritual that reduces stress and anxiety

Kissing has many health benefits. Passionately, this emotional expression exercises more than 30 facial muscles and keeps them toned, it also reduces the appearance of expression lines, helps you lose weight, and reduces stress and anxiety.

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy defines the word kiss as touching or pressing someone or something with a movement of the lips as an expression of love, desire or reverence, or as a greeting.

The researcher at the Iztacala Faculty of Higher Studies, of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Nélida Padilla Gámez highlights that in Western culture, in Latin America and in particular Mexicans, we have this behavior a lot, we even greet each ot

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Kissing, a love ritual that reduces stress and anxiety

Smart imaging to improve cell therapy

#Smart #imaging #improve #cell #therapy

Scientists can visualize live how CAR T-cell therapy and other immunotherapies work in hematological tumors. This is possible thanks to an extension of an advanced imaging tool previously developed for solid tumors. Researchers from the Princess Máxima Center published about it in Nature Protocols.

To better understand who can benefit from cell therapies, it is essential to learn more about how the engineered immune cells and tumor cells interact. The Rios group of the Princess Máxima Center developed a 3D imaging tech

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Smart imaging to improve cell therapy

What foods really boost our brain?

We will see what impact nutritional deficiencies have on the appearance of certain disorders… Based on scientific research, we will give you the tips to make the right choices, from the fetal stage if you are pregnant… Because it begins from intrauterine life!

Diet, a real effect on the brain?

Does eating better, adopting a certain type of diet have a real impact on reducing stress, improving sleep, cognitive performance, or preventing a depressive episode? For Guillaume Fond, psychiatrist and researcher at Marseille university hospitals, and specialist in psycho-nutrition, it goes even further: “ We could consider psycho-nutrition as alternative medicine or alternative medicine, even though it is at the heart of the treatment of mental illnesses and prevention in mental health. » Catherine Lacrosnière, nutritionist, adds that if “ Unfortunately diet does not treat, it helps to better prevent and fend off certain risks, in particular the appearance of certain neurodegenerative diseases. »

Pamper your microbiota

Among the first advice given by Guillaume Fond was the microbiota : « The influence of the microbiota on our immune system is perfectly demonstrated. It strengthens it when it is well, and conversely, when it is altered, it will weaken the immune system and trigger chronic inflammation. »

Do without ultra-processed food

Guillaume Fond: “ We have several meta-analyses which demonstrate that in mental health, in 2022/2023, as soon as the proportion of ultra-processed foods exceeds 20% of the

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What foods really boost our brain?

This is why it would be better to avoid eating organic eggs…

According to a nutritionist, organic eggs are not as virtuous as we think. We will explain all this to you.

THE chicken eggs constitute a very popular food, easy to store and practical for cooking. Whether consumed alone or used in various recipes, they are very adaptable. They can be cooked in many ways, transformed into sauces or, obviously, also used in pastry making for sweet delights. Many beliefs and information, sometimes incorrect, are regularly shared about it egg consumption.

In a inflationary context, shopping puts many families in complex situations. Find the the most interesting prices without compromising quality is the search for the Holy Grail. THE egg they therefore represent an appreciable access option quality proteins without spending a fortune. They very affordable price and their great flexibility makes them an ideal food for many people. Then arises the question of choice, as there are different types. We generally recommend choosing organic eggs, but is it really necessary?

Organic eggs in question?

Beyond the packaging, which is often difficult to decipher, there is a sure way to identify the eggs you buy. The law requires a code written on the shell whose first digit corresponds to breeding method. THE 3 it’s a farm ultra intensive in battery (16 hens/m²), the 2 East intensive on land (9 hens/m²), the 1 corresponds to outside (6 to 9 hens/m²). THE 0 mark a organic farmingwith more demanding specifications and a density of 6 to 9 hens/m².

These are mainly the organic eggs that are proposed, but, for the Dr. Arnaud Cocaulin an article by YahooDoes not apply Not of the’safer option. According to him, the chickens organically raised, pecking in the open air, can be easily contaminated Of pollutants present in sol. This is an unfortunately proven fact and of a magnitude that we are only beginning to realize: certain molecules, including the famous ones eternal pollutants, have invaded our daily lives. Soil isn’t the only thing affected. This is the entire food chainincluding the affected waters.

A recommendation to temper

According to Dr. Cocaul, this pollution can therefore influence the organic farms and find yourself in egg. If certain cases exist, the doctor does not provide no studies or quantified data to support his observations. Acc

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This is why it would be better to avoid eating organic eggs…

New Study in Nature Medicine Shows Homozygous APOE4 Gene Carries Near 100% Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease: Implications for Genetic Understanding of the Disease

Nature Medicine published the impact paper
Those who are homozygous for the APOE4 gene are
Nearly 100% say they have Alzheimer’s disease
Confidence that Alzheimer’s is a genetic disease

Enlarge photo A researcher is examining a patient’s brain at the Alzheimer’s Research Center at Geneva University Hospital in Switzerland. [사진=로이터연합]

“People with this gene are guaranteed to develop Alzheimer’s as they age.”

“There is no evidence that having the gene in question shows a ‘specific gene expression’ unique to Alzheimer’s.”

An article on Alzheimer’s published in Nature Medicine, a renowned academic journal in the life sciences and medical fields, is causing a stir in the academic world.

According to Reuters, on the 6th, a research team led by Dr. Juan Forte of the University of Barcelona published an article claiming that people carrying the gene ‘homozygous for the APOE4 gene’ are actually destined to develop

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New Study in Nature Medicine Shows Homozygous APOE4 Gene Carries Near 100% Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease: Implications for Genetic Understanding of the Disease

Why Italy is resisting the Nutri-Score

The Italian government is stepping up its opposition to the introduction of color and letter code labeling of food, known as Nutri-Score. The Nutri-Score, which is shown on the front of food packaging, is currently being tested in six EU countries, including Germany, and is to be introduced in all 27 EU member states according to Brussels’ wishes.

The Nutri-Score assigns the nutritional value – similar to the energy efficiency certificate for electrical appliances – to the colors green to yellow and orange to red on a scale from A to E, whereby the green color stands for a healthy food and the red for an unhealthy food.

“Products that symbolize national identity”

Italy’s resistance is primarily sparked by the classification of typically Italian foods – and important for the country’s agricultural exports – such as Grana Padano cheese, Parma ham or olive oil as relatively or very unhealthy foods. Francesco Lollobrigida, Italy’s Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Sovereignty, ha

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Why Italy is resisting the Nutri-Score

New Genetic Form of Alzheimer’s Disease Linked to APOE4 Gene: Study Findings

People who carry two copies of the APOE4 gene are almost guaranteed to develop Alzheimer’s disease and develop symptoms at an earlier age. Researchers reported this Monday in a study that could redefine these carriers as carriers of a new genetic form of the mental-debilitating disease.

The reclassification could change the approach to Alzheimer’s research, diagnosis and treatment, according to researchers, whose study was published in the journal Nature Medicine.

“What we’re saying through these data is that this could be a genetic form of this disease and not just a reflection of a risk factor,” said study co-author Sterling Johnson of the Center for Disease Research Alzheimer’s University of Wisconsin with reporters in brief.

Scientists have known for three decades that people with two copies of the APOE4 gene variant have a much higher risk of developing the disease than people with the most common version of the APOE gene, known as APOE3. About 2 to 3% of the general population or 15% of people with Alzheimer’s have two copies of the APOE4 variant.

“This study provides strong data suggesting that people with two copies of this gene are almost guaranteed to develop Alzheimer’s if they live

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New Genetic Form of Alzheimer’s Disease Linked to APOE4 Gene: Study Findings

Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes, Obesity, and Cancer: Expert Warns

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and even cancer. This was said by a cosmetologist, the scientific director of the Grand Clinic network of clinics Olga Shuppo.

“Studies show that vitamin D deficiency can also cause cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, autoimmune diseases and even cancer. The protective function of the immune system is weakened, which increases the risk of diseases and their complications,” said Shuppo in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

Vitamin D deficiency is seen in half of the country’s population, including residents of the southern regions, according to studies. Many people mistakenly stop taking it with the onset of

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Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes, Obesity, and Cancer: Expert Warns

APOE4 Gene Carriers at Virtually Guaranteed Risk of Alzheimer’s: Study Reveals New Genetic Form of the Disease

2024-05-06 18:28:55

People who carry two copies of the APOE4 gene are virtually guaranteed to develop Alzheimer’s disease and develop symptoms at an earlier age. Researchers reported this Monday in a study that could redefine these carriers as carriers of a new genetic form of the debilitating disease.

The reclassification could transform Alzheimer’s research, diagnosis and treatment methods, according to researchers, whose study was published in the journal Nature Medicine.

“What we are saying through these data is that this may be a genetic form of this disease and not just indicative of a risk factor,” study co-author Sterling Johnson of the University of Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center told reporters in a briefing.

Scientists have known for three decades that people with two copies of the APOE4 gene variant have a significantly higher risk of developing the disease than people with the most common version of the APOE gene, known as APOE3. About 2 to 3% of the general population or 15% of people with Alzheimer’s have two copies of the APOE4 variant.

“This study provides compelling data to suggest that people with two copies of this gene are almost guaranteed to develop Alzhei

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APOE4 Gene Carriers at Virtually Guaranteed Risk of Alzheimer’s: Study Reveals New Genetic Form of the Disease

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