health today: 2024-05-08 20:46:00

Groundbreaking NHS Trial Uses Small Doses of Food Allergens to Transform Lives of Children with Allergies

‘Life-transforming’ Trial Offers Hope for Children and Young People with Food Allergies

A groundbreaking clinical trial conducted by the NHS is providing new hope for children and young people who suffer from milk or peanut allergies. The pioneering study, which has been described as “life-transforming,” utilizes a technique called oral immunotherapy to train the body to tolerate allergens.

Unlike traditional drug treatments, this £2.5m trial focuses on administering small doses of everyday food products under strict medical supervision. By gradually introducing these allergens into the patients’ diets, doctors aim to build up their tolerance over time.

Early reports indicate that participating children have experienced a remarkable improvement in their quality of l

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Groundbreaking NHS Trial Uses Small Doses of Food Allergens to Transform Lives of Children with Allergies

How can we prevent heart attack and stroke?
– 2024-05-08 20:51:22

He talked about ways to protect against genetic heart attack and stroke. geneticist Irina Kolesnikova, who gave an interview to “Izvestia” newspaper, said that the test will determine whether a person is prone to cardiovascular diseases:

“With the result of this study, the patient will be

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How can we prevent heart attack and stroke? – 2024-05-08 20:51:22

How to live in Denmark, the happiest country in the world for people over 60, according to a global report

#live #Denmark #happiest #country #world #people #global #report
Denmark has held the highest positions in happiness for several years

Live in Denmark It is described as a unique experience based on principles of social well-being, equity and a deep sense of personal and collective satisfaction. The Danes, and especially the people over 60 yearsenjoy high levels of happiness thanks to a combination of socioeconomic, cultural and personal factors, according to a report carried out by the alliance between the Gallup pollster, the University of Oxford and the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

In Denmark, education and healthcare are free, including university, eliminating major financial worries for its citizens. This accessibility to fundamental services makes it possible for Danes, from a young age, to develop in an environment of equal opportunities. Additionally, the government’s pension system ensures that the basic needs of older Danes are covered, allowing them a smooth old age.

An expert said that Denmark is financially sound, has a long life expectancy and low levels of corr

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How to live in Denmark, the happiest country in the world for people over 60, according to a global report

sport, a simple prescription for sleeping better


To be in Olympic shape, moving is a necessity. But it is also necessary to sleep well. So much so that in strategies to optimize athlete performance, sleep is an integral part of preparation.

For ordinary people who are not aiming for an Olympic medal but trying to stay healthy as long as possible, the alliance between regular physical activity and quality of sleep is also necessary.

This issue of the health magazine “Take care of yourself!” », animated with education and a touch of humor by Michel Cymes, looks at the most effective methods to overcome sleep disorders.

A general public problem, since it is estimated that 30% of French people suffer from these inconveniences. Beyond debilitating daily fatigue, they can promote worrying phenomena such as hypertension, the r

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sport, a simple prescription for sleeping better

How Your Feet Reveals High Cholesterol: 6 Symptoms You Need to Know

Meanwhile, high cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke. “Bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) that builds up in blood vessels impairs blood flow and often leads to death. Most often, patients learn about the pathology after an attack or through a blood test. However, symptoms of hypercholesterolemia (the so-called high cholesterol) may appear in the legs.

Symptoms include leg pain, hair loss, numbness in the legs, muscle weakness, skin discoloration, heel spurs.

leg pain – usually occurs during walking or physical activity and disappears after a few minutes of rest. The pain can be both mild and severe and is often accompanied by spasms. Both legs usually hurt at the same time, but pain in one leg is usually worse.

A few years ago, scientists from Johns Hopkins University (USA) conducted an experiment on mice. They fed some rodents a balanced diet and others foods high in cholesterol. After 9 months, 75% of the unhealthy-fed mice became ill and their hair began to fall out.

So hair loss on your legs, slow hair growth, and even smooth, shiny skin on your legs can all be signs of high cholesterol. Numbness or weakness can also indicate a problem. This is caused by narrowing or blockage of blood vessels in the legs.

Open ulcers on the legs that do not heal:

Cells and tissues are damaged due to disturbances in blood flow

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How Your Feet Reveals High Cholesterol: 6 Symptoms You Need to Know

Intermittent Fasting Prevents Steatohepatitis: Research Findings

Research results have shown that intermittent fasting consisting of eating for five days and not eating for two days prevents steatohepatitis./Chosun Design Lab Lee Yeon-ju

A study has shown that intermittent fasting, which involves starving for two days a week and eating food for five days, not only prevents diseases such as liver inflammation and liver cancer, but also has a therapeutic effect.

Through animal experiments, the research team from the German Center for Cancer Research revealed that intermittent fasting can prevent and treat metabolic disorder-related steatohepatitis (MASH) and liver cancer. Due to the increase in the obese population in the world, the number of patients with fatty liver disease is also increasing, and the number of patients with l

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Intermittent Fasting Prevents Steatohepatitis: Research Findings

Hepatitis A from fruit, there is an alarm throughout Italy: which products are most at risk

Alarm in Italy: Risk of Hepatitis A from Fruit

Hepatitis A, an infectious viral disease affecting the liver, is causing alarm in Italy as several companies have been recalled due to the presence of the virus in their fruit products. The HAV virus, spread mainly through contaminated water or food, can cause symptoms such as fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, and jaundice.

The European Early Warni

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Hepatitis A from fruit, there is an alarm throughout Italy: which products are most at risk

genetic disease has fooled even doctors

A 47-year-old woman from Vilnius, who works as a veterinarian, says that she was already a bit bigger as a child, but there were no serious health problems at that time.

“However, sometimes I just lacked strength and stamina, which kept me from participating in physical education classes. For her part, my mother was surprised and said that she knows quite a few big people who “drive like tanks”, remembers Diana.

Both in childhood and youth, she avoided going to the doctor – she usually went only for preventive measures required at school. So no one suspected that Diana’s body was slowly progressing with a hereditary disease. Because more often doctors come across SRA when the disease is in babies, and not in adult patients. Unlike adult patients, babies suffer from type 1 or type 2 SRA, which progresses rapidly, significantly impairing the child’s motor development.

The majority of rare disease cases are diagnosed during the first months of a baby’s life. In Lithuania, this diagnosis is made in an average of two newborns per year. There are a total of four types of this disease. The fourth type is characterized by the smallest motor impairment, which is often undetectable.

Rare has heard of the disease

The interviewee has the impression that there is a lack of information about SRA both for the public and for family doctors. She admits that she has experienced stress due to medical errors and incorrect diagnoses.

“Fortunately, I am a veterinarian myself and I have a good understanding of how a living organism functions, of nerves, muscles,

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genetic disease has fooled even doctors

Aija Salovaara: This is how I got rid of SRRI drugs
– 2024-05-08 20:28:28

Home » today » Health » Aija Salovaara: This is how I got rid of SRRI drugs – 2024-05-08 20:28:28


The hidden aspects of antidepressants are still taboo in Finland. Aija started eating them already in her twenties. At first they were like a lifeline. Now he tells what they later caused him. – It was indescribably terrible.

#Aija #Salovaara #rid #SRRI #drugs

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Aija Salovaara: This is how I got rid of SRRI drugs – 2024-05-08 20:28:28

First Cholera Death in Mayotte: Updates on Epidemic and Prevention Measures

2024-05-08 19:25:25

A 3-year-old child died of cholera in Mayotte, the regional health agency and the prefecture said in a press release on Wednesday. This is the first death recorded in the territory since the discovery of a first case in mid-March.

Published: 05/08/2024 – 21:25.

1 min

The cholera epidemic in Mayotte caused the first death, a three-year-old child in the municipality of Koungou, the prefecture and the regional health bureau announced on Wednesday, May 8.

“A first child died today,” they wrote in a joint press release. “The child lived in Koungou district where several cases of cholera have been identified in recent weeks.”

This first fatal case comes on the eve of the vis

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First Cholera Death in Mayotte: Updates on Epidemic and Prevention Measures

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