how many cups of coffee a day is safe to drink

Caffeine can cause addiction and intoxication

Stopping energy drinks and even coffee can cause headaches, tiredness and anxiety, which can be avoided by giving up caffeinated drinks on a daily basis. It is easier to do this than to overcome the addiction.

Caffeine poisoning can occur if the daily amount of caffeine in a short period of time exceeds 400-600 mg. It is easier to get poisoned by energy drinks. In 2011 it arrived in the United States. over 2,800 people hospitalized for poisoning. Poisoning can also cause death. In Estonia, young people have also been hospitalized for poisoning.

Coffee drunk in the evening can also interfere with falling asleep. One study found that drinking coffee even six hours before bedtime interferes with falling asleep. However, lack of sleep increases the feeling of hunger and stress.

Caffeine also affects energy expenditure

Namely, caffeine stimulates brown fat, which begins to burn fat and glucose. Researchers at Harvard University, however, found that four cups of coffee a day reduced body fat by 4%. However, there are also studies that do not confirm the slimming effect of caffeine. In particular, US researchers have found that caffeine reduces people’s ability to taste sweets, thus increasing sweet cravings and sweet consumption.

Caffeine can promote or harm a person’s health

It mainly depends on the amount of caffeine administered. According to the European Food Safety Authority, the safe caffeine intake for adults is 400 mg (300 mg for people with low body weight) per day, 200 mg at a time. This amount of caffeine can be obtained by consuming four cups of coffee or two cups of energy drink per day, or two cups of coffee or one cup of energy drink in a short period of time. It is worth being careful not to exceed these quantities to preserve your health.

If you are a coffee lover you should limit yourself to two cups of coffee a day. Coffee lovers may also be happy to know that people who drink coffee in moderation have a lower risk of developing dementia. There is also a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes and liver cirrhosis.

2023-12-18 07:32:00

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