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Is it secure to drink fluoridated water throughout being pregnant?

small The research printed Monday The findings recommend that larger fluoride ranges consumed late in being pregnant are related to a better threat of moms’ youngsters having behavioral issues after they attain age 3. The authors of the research, which was funded partially by the Nationwide Institutes of Well being and the Environmental Safety Company and printed in JAMA Community Open, imagine that is the primary research to have a look at the hyperlink between prenatal fluoride publicity and youngster growth in households dwelling in the US, the place fluoride is commonly added to ingesting water to stop tooth decay.

The research authors and unbiased researchers stated the findings ought to immediate policymakers to judge the security of fluoride consumption throughout being pregnant.

“I believe this can be a warning signal,” stated Dr. Beate Ritz, an environmental epidemiologist on the UCLA Fielding College of Public Well being.

However different specialists cautioned that the research has a number of necessary limitations that make it troublesome to evaluate the potential results of fluoride consumption throughout being pregnant.

“There’s nothing on this research that may alarm me or lead me to advocate that pregnant ladies cease ingesting faucet water,” stated Dr. Patricia Brown, a professor of pediatrics on the College of Colorado College of Medication and a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, and research have proven that ingesting fluoridated water Scale back tooth decay by as much as 25 %Many components of the US have been including fluoride to their water provides for that reason for the reason that Nineteen Forties, and this has been broadly hailed as a significant achievement. Public Well being OutcomesIn 2020, 63 % of individuals in the US You reside in an space the place the water has at the very least 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter, which is taken into account optimum for stopping tooth decay, however some areas exceed that degree. taller thanOne cause is the excessive pure fluoride content material in groundwater.

Lately, Mexico and Canada It has been recommended that publicity to fluoride throughout being pregnant is related to small decreases in intelligence check scores. Different measures of Cognitive operate For the youngsters.

Nonetheless, current research have Spain and Denmark No such hyperlink was discovered.

Ashley Mullin, an assistant professor of epidemiology on the College of Florida School of Public Well being and Well being Professions and lead writer of the brand new research, acknowledged that there’s a “controversial debate” about water fluoridation. The difficulty is at present being debated by Litigation The nonprofit Meals and Water Watch and different teams ha

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Is it secure to drink fluoridated water throughout being pregnant?

A tribute to Yehudit Ravitz and performances all through the evening: a decade of the Jerusalem World Jazz Competition

The World Jazz Competition in Jerusalem marks a decade of its process this yr. The competition, which positions itself as a number one tune tournament, will likely be held on the Israel Museum on June 19-20 and on the Yellow Submarine Membership all through the evening of June 20-21.

The inventive director of the competition, musician Avishai Cohen: “On this puzzled time, we discover figuring out and a unique approach to take a look at fact thru tune, artwork, texts and advent no matter it’s. We yearn to rebuild ourselves, to reconnect with our complete selves. As human beings, as members of the family , as a part of a neighborhood, as a society, and as an entire i

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AUTUN: 3,200 euros raised throughout Mars Blue Colon Cancer Animation

#AUTUN #euros #raised #Mars #Blue #Colon #Cancer #Animation

It occurred in France final March.

This Thursday night, within the presence of Cathy Nicolao and Anne Dessertenne, first assistants of Anne Bordeline Coaching, a test for €3,200 was introduced to Dr. Toulon, representing the Saône et Loire Cancer League. This cash was raised on the Blue Mars Colon Cancer occasion held in France on March twenty third and twenty fourth, led by Anne Bordeline Coaching. Anne, supervisor of a membership of 80 members in December 2011, by means of Cathy Nicolao, needed to say thanks to everybody who participated on this Mars Bleu occasion, volunteers, specialists,

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AUTUN: 3,200 euros raised throughout Mars Blue Colon Cancer Animation

sport, a simple prescription for sleeping better


To be in Olympic shape, moving is a necessity. But it is also necessary to sleep well. So much so that in strategies to optimize athlete performance, sleep is an integral part of preparation.

For ordinary people who are not aiming for an Olympic medal but trying to stay healthy as long as possible, the alliance between regular physical activity and quality of sleep is also necessary.

This issue of the health magazine “Take care of yourself!” », animated with education and a touch of humor by Michel Cymes, looks at the most effective methods to overcome sleep disorders.

A general public problem, since it is estimated that 30% of French people suffer from these inconveniences. Beyond debilitating daily fatigue, they can promote worrying phenomena such as hypertension, the r

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sport, a simple prescription for sleeping better

The death of the first patient to undergo a genetically modified pig kidney transplant

Last March, surgeons at Massachusetts General Hospital succeeded in transplanting the kidney of a genetically modified pig into a living patient, Richard Solomon, 62, suffering from chronic kidney disease, for the first time.

The hospital said: “Suleiman will remain a beacon of hope for a large number of organ transplant patients around the world and we are very grateful for his trust and efforts to advance the field of organ transplantation.”

The shortage of organ availability is a problem affecting many parts of the world. In March, Boston Hospital indicated there were 1,400 patients on the waiting list to undergo kidney transplants at Massachusetts General Hospital alone.

The hospital explained that the pig kidneys used in the transplant were provided by eGenesis, a biotechnology company, and were genetically modified to remove harmful genes and add some human genes.

In 2018, Suleiman, who suffered from type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, underwent a human kidney transplant, but after five years it stopped working and the patient began undergoing dialysis.

– “He inspired many” –
When the hospital announced the transplant’s success in March, Suleiman explained that he agreed to undergo it “not only to help him, but also to give hope to thousands of people who need transplants to survive.”

In a statement posted on the hospital’s website, his family said: “We are deeply saddened by the sudden passing of our beloved Rick,” noting that they felt “great relief when they realized he had inspired many patients who were waiting patientl

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The death of the first patient to undergo a genetically modified pig kidney transplant

Surgical Therapy Success: 85-Yr-Outdated Affected person Overcomes Stage 3 Lung Most cancers

Stage 3 lung most cancers, Dr. Manoon reveals excellent news, surgical therapy reduces demise.

Date: Might 24, 2024 at 9:15 am

Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day Stop smoking at age 35. Dr. Manoon takes the case of an 85-year-old affected person who was recognized with superior most cancers. Handled with surgical procedure After surgical procedure, I used to be not given radiation or chemotherapy as a consequence of my superior age. Repeat the examination after 5 years. Blood most cancers values ​​dropped to regular ranges At the moment (Might 24, 2024) Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong, a health care provider specializing in intensive care sufferers and respiratory techniques. Offering information by way of private Fb of Let’s take the case of most cancers sufferers Stage 3A (stage IIIA) lung most cancers, 5-7 centimeters in dimension, has unfold to close by lymph nodes close to the most cancers on the identical aspect of the lung. However it has not but unfold to the lymph nodes within the chest cavity. (mediastinal and subcarinal lymph nodes) Surgical procedure reduces demise from most cancers. The prospect of dwelling for five years is roughly 1 in 3. This case is an 85-year-old male affected person who arrived on the hospital on April 15, 2019 with low fever, cough and sputum for 10 days smoking 1 pack of cigarettes per day and He stopped smoking at 35 years outdated and suffers from hypertension. The CEA 6.0 blood most cancers stage was barely

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Surgical Therapy Success: 85-Yr-Outdated Affected person Overcomes Stage 3 Lung Most cancers

Cagliari-Fiorentina 2-3, Arthur decides within the final minute: Ranieri loses on the final bench, Viola wins Europe

Claudio Ranieri’s bitter farewell: Cagliari – already secure – misplaced in the long run with Arthur’s penalty. Fiorentina wins 3-2 at Unipol Domus and secures a spot not less than within the subsequent Conference League. If Vincenzo Italiano’s crew can win the Conference League they’ll enter the Europa League. Tonight’s sport gave us a thousand feelings, even earlier than the whistle began. The entire stadium’s tribute to Ranieri was transferring, as was the show of the late David Astori, who had performed twice, within the thirteenth minute. Even on the pitch there have been probabilities from either side: greater than a Serie A sport on the final day it appeared like a Premier League sport. This Cagliari-Fiorentina was actually an awesome industrial for Italian soccer. Finally, in full damage time, the knowledge of Alessandro Di Pardo determined: dangerous for Lucas Beltran and the penalty transformed by Arthur. Episodes typically resolve matches and this one had just a few of them.


CAGLIARI (4-2-3-1): Scuffet (90+3′ Aresti); Zappa, Me, Obert, Augello; Deiola (78′ Sulemana, 90’+3′ Mancosu), Prati; Nandez (90’+3′ Di Pardo), Viola, Luvumbo (78′ Mutandwa); Lapadula (c). Coach: C. Ranieri.

FIORENTINA (4-2-3-1): Terracciano; Dodo, Milenkovic (66′ Martinez Quarta), L. Ranieri, Biraghi (c); Bonaventure (73′ Beltran), Mandragora (56′ Arthur); Icon (56′ Nico Gonzalez), Barak, Castrovilli; Belotti (73′ Flight). Coach: Italian.


GOAL: 39′ Bonaventura, 64′ Deiola, 85′ Mutandwa, 89′ Nico Gonza

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Cagliari-Fiorentina 2-3, Arthur decides within the final minute: Ranieri loses on the final bench, Viola wins Europe

Fiaso, we solely use 1% of the potential of telemedicine – Well being and Wellbeing

(ANSA) – ROME, MAY 23 – Telemedicine is beginning to unfold in Italian hospitals. Nonetheless, in 86% of healthcare corporations which have the televisit service, this technique is utilized in solely 1-5% of the companies supplied. That is the determine highlighted by the Italian Federation of Healthcare and Hospital Firms (Fiaso) in the course of the occasion “Digital Healthcare: remodeling the current for a sustainable

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Fiaso, we solely use 1% of the potential of telemedicine – Well being and Wellbeing

7 Advantages of rooster liver for well being and dangers


If you’re on the lookout for a nutritious meals that’s low-cost and straightforward to get, rooster liver is the answer. In Indonesia, beef liver is usually eaten, and it’s even in style amongst many teams.

Based mostly on the Grassland Beef web site, 100 grams of beef liver incorporates a number of vitamins, together with 172 energy, 1.11 grams of carbohydrates, 6.43 grams of fats, 25.8 grams of protein, vitamin A as a lot as 288% RDA, vitamin C 5% RDA, vitamin B 42% RDA, folate 140% RDA, vitamin B12 352% RDA, iron 72% RDA, and so forth.

Try 7 advantages of rooster liver for physique well being. As well as, additionally know concerning the risks of consuming rooster liver, particularly for individuals with sure circumstances.

Listed here are a number of advantages of rooster liver which might be good for well being:

1. Sumber Vitamin A

Reporting from the web site of the Ministry of Well being, rooster liver is a supply of vitamin A which incorporates retinoids and carotenoids.

A pediatric nutritionist and metabolic illness knowledgeable from Harapan Kita Youngsters’s and Mom’s Hospital, Dr. Novitria Dwinanda, SpA (Ok), mentioned that vitamin A has many features.

Along with eye well being, vitamin A may strengthen the physique’s energy or immunity. For infants and kids, vitamin A can preserve the physique from getting sick simply.

2. Concentrated consciousness

Quoted from WebMD, rooster liver is a meals wealthy in vitamins, akin to iron, riboflavin, vitami

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7 Advantages of rooster liver for well being and dangers

Most cancers Killer | A household of three with long-term belly ache discovered that all of them had pancreatic most cancers. The perpetrator was a do-it-yourself meals at house[with 7 symptoms of pancreatic cancer]- Hong Kong Financial Instances – TOPick – Well being – Physician’s Session Room

2024-05-23 02:05:11

A household of three suffered from long-term belly ache. Examination revealed that all of them had pancreatic most cancers. The perpetrator turned out to be a do-it-yourself meals at house.

[Pancreatic cancer / cancer / cancer king / food safety / wonton]Many individuals suppose that cooking is safer than consuming out, however you have to be cautious concerning the security of the substances. A household of three within the mainland was recognized with pancreatic most cancers on the identical time, and the reason for most cancers was the do-it-yourself meals at house. Docs warn, don’t use low cost, low-quality substances.

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A household of three was recognized with most cancers on the identical time

In keeping with mainland media experiences, a household of three in Shandong at all times had unexplained decrease belly ache earlier than and after meals. At first, they didn’t take it severely till their son’s weight all of a sudden dropped from 72kg (about 158 ​​kilos) to 54kg (about 119 kilos), after which they took their son to the hospital for examination.

After a CT scan, it was discovered that my son had an apparent mass in his pancreas. As well as, his blood values ​​have been a lot larger than regular. After additional questioning by the physician, it was discovered that he had been affected by belly ache and had all of a sudden misplaced quite a lot of weight previously month. The physician stated that this was as a result of the mass within the pancreas was rising and inflicting ache. Lastly, my son was recognized with pancreatic most

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Most cancers Killer | A household of three with long-term belly ache discovered that all of them had pancreatic most cancers. The perpetrator was a do-it-yourself meals at house[with 7 symptoms of pancreatic cancer]- Hong Kong Financial Instances – TOPick – Well being – Physician’s Session Room

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