In Russia they want to ban the sale of beer in bulk from a foreign country

The Russian State Duma on Tuesday adopted at first reading a bill giving citizens of the Russian Federation the right to ban the retail sale of beer, cider and mead in shops and bars operating in apartment buildings.

In addition, the authorities of Russian regions, regions, republics and other bodies would have the right to impose restrictions on the hours of sale of beer, cider and mead in general in all bars, restaurants and cafes operating in apartment buildings or in areas adjacent to them , reports the Russian news agency Interfax.

Previously, the Chairman of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, said that “in this area it is necessary to hit the house as soon as possible, because people cannot live peacefully and comfortably in their homes.”

The adoption of the law at second and third readings is not in question, because in the Russian system it can be considered nothing more than a formality. Officially, the initiators of the bill are a large group of deputies, which includes several members of the State Duma council.

2023-12-05 15:06:00

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