It’s been a bad week for the Tallinn Stock Exchange

The highest turnover was achieved LHV Group with a stock whose price fell by 0.42% to 3.535 euros. The turnover of 298 transactions was almost 134,400 euros.

It was the second Green advantagewhose share price fell by 0.56% to 3,544 euros with 528 transactions and a turnover of 118,800 euros.

The trade of the first North is the one that has fallen the most Linda Nektarwhose share price fell by 10.79% to 6.2 euros with 20 transactions and a turnover of 1,800 euros.

In the main list it is the one that has fallen the most, 0.78% or 1.28 euros. Express group. The turnover of 28 transactions was 3,500 euros.

The largest increase was recorded in the market-listed First North Airobot Technologies, whose price increased by 15.73% to 2.17 euros. 51 transactions were carried out and the turnover was just under 1,600 euros.

The main list proved to be the one that gained the most with 1.84%. PRFoods, whose shares were used for 35 operations for a value of 700 euros. The cut closed at 0.166 euros.

Closing prices of the Tallinn Stock Exchange, changes compared to the previous trading day, number of transactions and turnover in euros:

2024-01-26 14:48:11

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