Pyrotechnic: Today our work is high-tech | People

Pyrotechnician Kersti Jaani, who collaborated with Rammstein and Metallica, spoke on the program “Hommik!” of R2. that her work nowadays is high-tech and no one runs around the square with a lighter anymore.

“We have to adapt,” said pyrotechnician Kersti Jaani, explaining that there is less work left because many cities have decided to cancel large New Year’s fireworks this year, and recently in Estonia large fireworks they occurred less and less. “In recent years there has been propaganda, let’s start with the environment and budgets, then we had to put together Ukraine and the war, the birds, the animals and everything else and that’s it.”

“In the case of pyrotechnics, there is still mostly black gunpowder, which gives energy, and various other components. But a pyrotechnician must be educated and have documents and licenses to carry out this work,” Jaani added.

“During the training courses we talk about first aid, how to use different products safely, how to prevent accidents and how to react when something goes wrong,” explained Jaani, who also organizes training courses for pyrotechnicians. “But training alone is not enough. There is also practical training given by a pyrotechnic master. You have to be in the field, listen and feel the explosions. There have also been students who have undergone the initial training, gone into the field and after hearing the first explosion up close, they say they don’t want to do this job anymore.”

“In Estonia, mostly bombs with a diameter of 150 millimeters are used, but larger bombs can also be dropped. Ten- and twelve-inch bombs have also been dropped in Estonia. Throwing them requires considerably more danger and is still quite extraordinary today.” Jaani said.

“Nowadays no one lights professional fireworks manually anymore. Everything is done remotely, electronically and is pre-programmed. Special electric igniters are connected to each shot, which are then activated by the program. Per day Nowadays, when it comes to the work of a pyrotechnician, we are talking about modern touch screens and programmed programs, everything is digital and high tech.”

“If you are in the field with the remote control, the pyrotechnician must also put himself in a safe situation and at a safe distance as much as possible. Safety glasses and a helmet are recommended if the spark returns, so that you don’t hurt yourself. You don’t have to make big fireworks yourself, someone else has to be on the field,” Jaani explained.

“When it seemed that after a long time I would have a free New Year’s Eve this year, that I didn’t have to work, but it turned out that I was still on Freedom Square in Tallinn and this time, instead of fireworks, I made flames on stage, which are made with propane gas. It’s a live fire.”

“If possible, we always do it together with the artist when we have to light the flames during a performance on stage. In the case of a concert, you do it before short, guarantee safety and the pyrotechnician’s task is to constantly monitor the stage and decide whether or not to press this button. I couldn’t even shoot as loud as I wanted in Freedom Square, safety first. The performers move around the stage and if they get too close to the flamethrower I have to watch everything and press when I feel it’s safe. And at the same time it could also go into music.”

“I have been on stage with Rammstein Boys four times in Estonia. I have watched and followed their fireworks on stage at local concerts,” Jaani said. “Their fire volume is probably one of the largest in the world. They bring their own team with them, but in the case of pyrotechnics, there is such a requirement that if they go abroad, a local pyrotechnic and a local pyrotechnics company have to cover them , because all fireworks must comply with Estonian laws. I make them, give permission and say what they can and cannot do in Estonia. There is nothing about Rammstein that they should not do in Estonia. There have been no problems with big bands like Rammstein and Metallica. However, there can be problems with smaller artists who tend to fall out.”

“I went to work as a clerk at a pyrotechnics company, but I ended up playing games with the guys on the field, I started to like it, and that was it,” Jaani reflected.

2024-01-03 11:57:00
#Pyrotechnic #Today #work #hightech #People

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