Tomorrow the daughter of a mutt will marry a man

According to the online edition of the Estonian folk calendar, the saying that Toomas pushes himself with a pipe hat comes from nearby Kanep, which means that at that time the ice should become completely hard.

However, according to Berta, the calendar’s public holiday database, today’s Christmas Day represents a crucial turning point because it roughly coincides with the winter solstice and is the last day of the calendar year. It is important to ward off the forces of evil, to guarantee new strength to the light and the sun. The anniversary preserved ancient customs and acquired Christian motives.

On the day of St. Thomas, the souls of the dead are in motion, Thomas is considered a fairy of death preserved from pagan times. Since at least the 17th century there have been written documents that Thomas is the patron saint of the plague and all types of serious diseases. On Thomas’ day the animals were slaughtered and the meat salted.

The house was cleaned, the fireplace stones were also washed, the dirt and laziness were swept away like rag and straw dolls. Any work other than that related to the holidays was prohibited, cleaning, stuffing and preparing holiday meals was allowed. It was especially forbidden to spin, grind, as well as cut down trees and take them home.

The preparation of festive meals began, which lasted until Christmas Eve. Sausages, bread and, in northern Estonia, beer were produced. Toomas tørde, which is celebrated on St. Thomas’ Day: the beer will start and there will be a lot of it. Toomapäiv includes nuts and beer. You can read more about Christmas Day, its origin and customs at Berta.

2023-12-21 09:42:00

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