Top stories of the week | Meelik, Ajukaja, AG Cook etc Music

I love the first few weeks of the year, because then you can calmly read all the new songs and repeatedly try to see if they are really good or if it was just an empty first impression. This week, 15 new songs, next time probably double that.

AG Cook “Silver Thread Gold Needle”

The first new song of the year I’ve heard, and it’ll probably be around until the end of the year. PC Music frontman AG Cook’s ten minutes foreign pop‘s collage, to which one can dance with confidence, or simply wander among these waves of birth and reveal the infinite layers. It may all be too much the first time and you may have to stop to catch your breath, but it gets easier after that.

Meelik “What do we do now”

While in Estonian pop music in general you still see the everyday path along which the artists moved, Meelik unexpectedly appeared before us with the latest Estonian song, and I still can’t understand what they are doing. The new single “Mis Me Nüyüd Teeme” is, to put it simply, probably the best Ans. The history of the sensor of which the Ans. The sensor is not home-made.

DJ Manny “The Feeling’s Alright”

For years it seemed that way footworkManufacturers are wise to keep their new releases under wraps during the holidays and then release them early in the new year. So, again this year, genre pioneer DJ Manny’s new track “Feeling Is Fine” from the “Traxxology Vol 3” compilation doesn’t do anything groundbreaking, but it’s so infectious and irresistibly physical that it automatically gets up footworkthe classics

“BB/Heart+Soul” Cinematheques

While DJ Manny did the old, the good and the familiar, producer Kinotek is exceptional footworkinto those nooks and crannies we don’t usually enter. Rather, it gave more air to those strange drum patterns and threw in a sea of ​​beautiful melodies. In fact, his entire new album “Fait and the Vessel” is worth listening to, but “BB/Heart+Soul” gives a taste of it.

Ajukaja and Maria Minerva “CU Again”

Do I really need to say anything here? The Ajukaja and Maria Minerva EP released ten years ago is now finally on streaming platforms, and time in this case has done nothing but help. So good deep house‘, which can be heard on the title track, is shamelessly rare even now, and Minerva’s fairy-like voice is just the icing on the cake.

Erick the Architect “Ezekiel’s Wheel (feat. George Clinton)”

And you probably wouldn’t notice this song much, producer and rapper Erick the Architect floats on a soft cloud of beats and makes the listener pleasant, but this cloud starts with his raspy voice and funk-to hit George Clinton with a paddle, who seems to be unnecessary in the story, but only because he does something semi-accidentally and confusingly, “Ezekiel’s Wheel” deserves attention.

1999 Write The Future “Run the Fade (feat. Eyedress)”

About how shoegaze game is doing great things on TikTok, there are already several great stories written in the music press, but I still had no idea what these young artists sound like. The song “Run the Fade” shows that miracles don’t happen here and (maybe unbeknownst to you?) they still pay homage to the legends, but there’s still some freshness and new life here.

Marsh “Elation (Otik Remix)”

If your stomach is growling and you’re craving a nice bite of rave nostalgia, you can think of something better than this new Otik treat. The lights flash and you fly through the dance space of the 90s, but this is not just an old soup warm-up, but still a detailed and interesting collage, which at the best moments even sounds eurodancewith clichés.

Islands of the Future “Say Goodbye”

I’ve always had a hard time understanding why exactly I like Future Islands. I made my peace with this kind of music a long time ago, I left it somewhere in my adolescence and returned to it with a purpose of perverse nostalgia, but for some reason I need Future Islands’ music again and again. New single “Say Goodbye” also hits the right buttons with its deceptively simple synthpop and Samuel T. Herring vocal strings.

Fat Dog “All the Same”

The biggest surprise of the week, without a doubt. The new Domino label artist, Fat Dog, sounds like Justice’s comeback single for the first few seconds, then comes a sort of shifted and inverted new wave and finally sounds like a further development of British new school punk. to the Mod Sleaford. The song is three minutes long, my brain works like a potato peeler and I’m not much the wiser by the end, but I don’t need to be, because “All The Same” still works and is just damn fun.

Listen to all the songs here:

2024-01-09 13:27:00

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