VIDEO | Christmas swim! In the NHL, a deficit has been turned into a win in the final 13 seconds

Nashville led 2-1 in the final seconds of the deciding period against Dallas on home ice, but still left the ice as the underdog.

Dallas, which was frantically chasing an equalizer in the final minutes, took the lead without a goaltender 13 seconds before the end of the game when Craig Smith sent the puck into the net. All signs were that overtime or a shootout would determine the winner, but that wasn’t the case.

Dallas was able to put the puck in front of Nashville’s goal again in the final seconds. With the help of a bit of luck, the piece of equipment reached the hockey stick of Finnish defender Jani Hakanpää, who, two seconds before the end of the match, stuck it into the goal with a powerful shot from a few meters away.

Dallas won the match 3:2 and continues in third place in the Western Conference with 44 points. Nashville is seventh with 38 points.

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2023-12-24 17:05:00
#VIDEO #Christmas #swim #NHL #deficit #turned #win #final #seconds

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