world today: 2024-05-10 05:05:00

US State Department Keeps Mum on Investigation Into Alleged Murder Plot of Khalistani Leader

Gurpatwant Singh Pannun is an India-designated Khalistani terrorist.

Investigation into Plot to Assassinate Sikh Separatist Leader

Washington: Stating that the investigation into the alleged plot to assassinate Sikh separatist leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun is an ongoing legal matter, the US State Department said it “won’t speak” until “allegations are proved” before a jury.

Gurpatwant Singh Pannun is an India-designated terrorist who holds American and Canadian citizenship.

“There’s a publicly returned indictment that contains alleged facts or allegations. Until they’re proven before a jury that anyone can go and read, I won’t speak to them here because, of course, it’s an ongoing legal matter, and I’ll leave it at that,” spokesperson Matthew Miller said at a State Department briefing on Thursday (local time).

Miller’s remarks came in response to a media query on Pannun’s case investigation.

Czech Court Rules Extradition of Accused Indian National

Notably, a Czech court has ruled th

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US State Department Keeps Mum on Investigation Into Alleged Murder Plot of Khalistani Leader

Mayor of El Copey was captured for contracting with his brother’s company

At the checkpoint known as Los Cauchos, at the southern entrance to the municipality of Valledupar, the mayor of El Copey, Francisco Meza Altamar, was captured.

The capture operation was carried out by officials of the CTI of the Prosecutor’s Office, to begin the judicialization process.

Also arrested were Belkis Leonor Jiménez Niebles, former director of Iderec and former secretary of Social I

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Israel ‘Genocide’ Rafah, China Gives Unexpected Response

#Israel #Genocide #Rafah #China #Unexpected #Response

Editorial Team, CNBC Indonesia


Friday, 05/10/2024 07:40 WIB

Photo: Photo Collage of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Chinese President Xi Jinping. (Doc. AP Photo/Ronen Zvulun and Jack Taylor)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – A number of countries have condemned Israel’s attack on the Rafah area, South Gaza. China is no exception, which has urged Israel to stop the attack.

This was stated directly by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian after the Israeli army said it had taken operational control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt.

“China firmly calls on Israel to heed the in

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Israel ‘Genocide’ Rafah, China Gives Unexpected Response

Ukraine – Russia war, last minute | Russia launches new wave of bombings in kyiv

Army forces Russia They returned this morning to set their sights on Kievthe capital of Ukraine. The alerts have sounded again in kyiv after reports from the Ukrainian Air Force that a group of Russian bombers had taken off from a base in Russia.

Data from Ukraine’s defenses warned of the takeoff of several Tupolev Tu-95MS from the ai

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Ukraine – Russia war, last minute | Russia launches new wave of bombings in kyiv

AMP|What are Russian tactical nukes

Flaunting the atomic weapon, as he is doing more and more often Vladimir Putinit can be a sign of strength but also of extreme weakness. First of all, what does “tactical nuclear weapon” mean? According to experts it is one atomic bomb «with a lower potential than strategic nuclear weapons». The real difference between the two is that the strategic serve, come deterrent while the tactics “it can be used on the battlefield in different war situations”, it can be transported without the use of aircraft, directly by troops on the field and has a destructive power “limited to specific targets such as a bunker or a dam”. Russia owns 1900 weapons of this type, against 230 of the USA. The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the Second World War would today be defined as tactical weapons because they were less than 50 kt. (15 and 20 kt respectively)
In recent days, Putin has declared that he will deliver tactical nuclear weapons to his armed forces so that they can begin training for their use on the Ukrainian borders.

The bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were devastating

Anyone who has seen the images of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the bombs can get an idea of ​​the effects: 60 thousand immediate deaths, reaching 100 thousand in the months immediately following due to radioactive fallout in Hiroshima alone and almost as many in Nagasaki. And Putin has 1,900 bombs more powerful than those. With one detail no small feat: since the Cold War era, the so-called del clause has existed no first usethat is, the commitment not to use nuclear weapons first, but it is only a commitment that can be revoked at any time. And if Putin were to press the red button, nothing could prevent the others nuclear powerswhich are USA, UK, France, Israel, Pakistan, China and India to do the same. It would be a sort of tragic “free

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AMP|What are Russian tactical nukes

Korean College Student Arrested in Japan for Sexual Harassment: FBI File Photo Unrelated

View of handcuffs being worn. The photo is an FBI file photo and has nothing to do with this case. / FBI home page

A Korean college student in his 20s studying abroad in Japan has been arrested by local police on charges of sexually harassing a minor.

According to a report in the Sankei Shimbun on the 9th, the Nogata Police of the Japan Metropolitan Police Agency arrested A (23), a Korean internat

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Korean College Student Arrested in Japan for Sexual Harassment: FBI File Photo Unrelated

War and pressure shift the trade balance. The US replaces China as Germany’s top partner

China is currently no longer Germany’s largest trading partner. In the first three months of 2024, first place was taken by the United States, with a total value of trade rising to 63 billion euros, against China’s 60 billion. It emerges from calculations carried out by Reuters on the official data ofFederal Statistical Office and posted on his site. In the whole of 2023 Beijing had exchanged goods with Berlin for 253 billion euros, confirming itself in first place for the eighth year in a row. However, now the effects of US pressure on Europe to shift the balance seem to be starting to be felti towards the Atlantic.

With the war in Ukraine and the sanctions on Russia, the USA has multiplied the sale of gas (in the form of liquefied gas) to Europe, offsetting a large part of the Russian supplies of which Germany was one of the main customers. Before the war the US sold around 2 billion cubic meters to the EU of LNG per month, now they are more than double. Furthermore, Washington has also exerted strong pressure to ban some Chinese technologies, think of the 5G equipment and infrastructure created by Huawei, the Chinese company at the forefront of technology in this sector.

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Dollar, dominance of financial systems and control over internet networks. Thus the USA uses the economy as a weapon of war

Germany is “moving away from systemic rival China towards a transatlantic partner,” he said Jurgen Matthes, of the German Institute of Economics in Cologne (Iw). Thanks to the strength of the American economy, German exports continued to increasewhile those for China fell, along with imports, he noted Vincent Stamer, economist at Commerzbank. “China has moved up the value chain and now produces more and more

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War and pressure shift the trade balance. The US replaces China as Germany’s top partner

SSF and Prosecutor’s Office intervene COSAVI to protect the money of its associates
– 2024-05-10 04:11:04

The Superintendency of the Financial System (SSF), in joint work with the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic (FGR), informs the population that after months of investigation the Santa Victoria Savings and Credit Cooperative Association of RL (COSAVI, of RL)

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SSF and Prosecutor’s Office intervene COSAVI to protect the money of its associates – 2024-05-10 04:11:04

Социологът Живко Георгиев: Джипката на Борисов скоро няма да бъде паркирана – 2024-05-10 04:02:33

/Поглед.инфо/ Много анализи се появиха след парламентарния вот на 4 април. И в повечето ⁢от ⁢тях твърдението е, че всичко е в ръцете‌ на Слави Трифонов и „Има такъв народ“. Какви са възможностите​ пред партиите, ⁤влезли в 45-ия парламент, какви са проблемите пред ‍отделните ⁣формации – по тези въпроси разговаряме със социолога ⁤Живко Георгиев.

-‍ Изборите ​отминаха, партийните пасианси​ започнаха да се редят – ако употребим метафора, докъде⁤ ще стигне този зрелищен политически спектакъл, г-н Георгиев?
– Виждате как изведнъж се появи огромно поле от възможности, което‍ обаче не винаги е ‍за добро. Няма лесен изход⁢ от където и да го погледнем ситуацията⁤ сега, дори ако се⁣ абстрахираме от ⁣това какво‍ е добро и какво е зло.​ До 1-2 седмици всичко ще е ясно най-вече откъм кратките ​сюжетни линии. Яснота ‍по това накъде ще се развива страната, едва ли ‍в близката половин година ще имаме. От една страна е необозримо поле от възможности за развитие, а от друга – има безкрайно‍ много конкретни предизвикателства, които и най-прекрасният сюжет на първо време може да превърнат в ⁤гигантски провал. Не е лесно и не ​завиждам на нито един политик – условно казано спечелилите и загубилите. Няма да е лесно и на всички нас.

– Всеки⁢ опипва ‍почвата, хвърля въдички, както се казва, но на хоризонта няма нищо⁢ ясно, не ⁤е ли мъртвило?
– Бих предпочел ⁢партиите първо да помислят, а после да говорят. Имаше много импровизации, които ​отдавам ‍повече на умора и напрежение от изборите. Почти всички са леко разочаровани, а не толкова ‍изненадани‍ от ⁢това, което се получи. Не ​само в главите на политиците е тревожно, българските граждани едва ли са в по-лесна‍ ситуация. С разликата, че те изконсумираха свободата си, а сега топката е у политиците.

– Въпросът е ⁤оттук нататък накъде – нови избори или компромиси?
– Процедурите оттук ⁣нататък са ясни, технологиите⁤ им ⁣са ясно описадавал е социология в Софийския университет и други университети в България. Автор е на множество публикации в областта на социологията и‍ обществените науки.

strong>- Съдбата на тези варианти не е ли⁢ заложена в егото на двама души ‌- единият ‍е‍ Борисов, другия ⁢е Трифонов. Въпросът е дали заложник на егото им няма да стане самата държава?
– Съдбата на държавата от няколко години е в плен и зависи⁢ от⁤ егото на Борисов. ⁣Не мисля, че от ⁤егото на Слави Трифонов зависи държавата.‍ Там е въпрос и на аритметика, и на ‌капацитет, и на политическа конюнктура, и‍ на желание да се реализират онези ключови идеи, на които Трифонов и неговата нова формация посветиха последните ⁢години.​ Така че, ако на някого наистина е трудно да вземе решение, това е Слави Трифонов. От Бойко Борисов не⁣ мисля, че нещо ⁣зависи поне в момента.

– Познаваме отдавна Борисов и ‌то, както го наричат, като голямо „политическо⁣ животно с ⁢доста добър политически нюх“?
– Не смятам, че​ нюхът му ⁤е толкова голям, но не в него е топката в момента. ​Може‍ и да се върне, но той сега е в състояние само да ​коментира. Основно нещата зависят от г-н Трифонов, както и от ‌останалите политически актьори извън ГЕРБ. Важно е какво ще предпочете при⁢ ясни ‍рискове при ⁤всяко ​едно негово⁤ решение.

– Неразбориите в новите политически субекти започнаха, а ако и партията на Трифонов реши да държи на⁣ всички точки, които бяха записани за референдума, не е ясно докъде ще стигне ‌„любовта“ с другите партии, които не са от‌ статуквото, според него. Какво ще стане тогава?
– ‍Не бих казал,⁢ че‍ са станали кой знае​ какви неразбории, думата си каза политическата неопитност, както и безспорно умората. ​За мен най-голямото изпитание пред Слави Трифонов – особено в сферата на изборното законодателство и реформирането‍ u, са прекалено спорните предложения и от гл

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Социологът Живко Георгиев: Джипката на Борисов скоро няма да бъде паркирана – 2024-05-10 04:02:33

G. Landsbergis: Due to the insufficient amount of ammunition, Ukraine is forced to retreat

He spoke this way after the European Union (EU) Foreign Affairs Council, where discussions were held about Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East and the Sahel region.

“Due to the insufficient amount of ammunition, Ukraine is forced to retreat. Finally, Europe may also face threats that test NATO’s strength. Such an approach cannot be called pessimistic – it is already a reality”, G. Landsbergis is quoted in the MFA report.

In recent weeks, the Ukrainian defense forces have been plagued by shortages of ammunition and personnel.

The Russians resumed their offensive in eastern and southern Ukraine and forced Ukrainian forces to hastily withdraw from the town of Avdiyivka i

Read the full story:

G. Landsbergis: Due to the insufficient amount of ammunition, Ukraine is forced to retreat

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