world today: 2024-05-10 14:57:00

The Breaking Point: Maggie Haberman Reveals the Moment a Judge Stood Up to Donald Trump

The ​Significance⁤ of Judge Juan Merchan’s Actions⁤ in Trump’s Hush ⁣Money Trial

In‍ a recent⁤ development in Donald Trump’s​ hush money trial, Maggie Haberman from The New ⁤York Times ⁣highlighted Judge Juan Merchan’s ⁣pivotal role. She ‌noted that Judge Merchan seemed to ⁣have⁤ reached⁤ a breaking point with ⁣the defense’s tactics.

During a discussion on CNN, Haberman​ mentioned that Trump’s legal team has⁢ a strained relationship with Judge⁢ Merchan. Despite this, she acknowledged that ⁤the judge has been striving to ‌maintain fairness throughout the proceedings.

One particular incident that caught Haberman’s attention was ⁢when ‌Judge ‌Merchan privately cautioned Trump’s attorney,‌ Todd Blanche, about the president’s use⁤ of profanity. Instead of publicly reprimanding Trump, Judge Merchan discreetly advised Blanche

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The Breaking Point: Maggie Haberman Reveals the Moment a Judge Stood Up to Donald Trump

Students in any major receive a 70 discount

The issue of tuition fees is always something that candidates and parents are concerned about when deciding on a future major.

To attract students, the government and some universities issue tuition exemption and reduction policies. Among them, there are some majors that have 70 – 100% tuition reduction.

Industry and profession groups receive a 70% tuition discount

On December 31, 2023, the Government issued Decree 97 amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 81 (2021) on the mechanism for collecting and managing tuition fees for educational institutions.

Among them, many majors are listed with up to 70% tuition reduction, creating favorable conditions for candidates to pursue their favorite major. Specifically, the following fields: traditional and specific arts in higher education institutions with cultural a

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Russia disrupts GPS signal – Delphi

#Russia #disrupts #GPS #signal #Delphi

“It deserves political monitoring, political response. One such thing we do is we raise questions in the North Atlantic Council through ambassadors in Brussels or at ministerial meetings,” G. Landsbergis told reporters on Friday after a meeting with Latvian Foreign Minister Baiba Braže.

“On the one hand, we have to find a way to counter (the challenges – ELTA) – it could be sanctions, if we know the people behind these actions. But we don’t have to stop here – there could be additional measures. (…) It is very important to send a message to Moscow as well – that they do not operate in the gray zone. One of the things democracy gives us is transparency. If they expect us to be silent, they will not achieve it,” he assured.

G. Landsbergis noted that the intelligence institutions of the Baltic countries cooperate closely in order to ensure security in the region and avoid GPS disturbances. However, he urges these incidents to be seen in a wider context.

“There has been a shift from previously applied hybrid attacks to diversionary operations using kinetic actions – violations of critical infrastructure, GPS signal blocking, attacks against supporters of Ukraine,” the minister said.

“We have to look at it in a wider context. Recently, we have been experiencing various hybrid actions, a growing number of such hybrid actions from Russia – GPS interference is one of them,” said the minister.

G. Landsbergiis was seconded by the new Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, who was publicized in Vilnius. According to her, such GPS jamming is not a new tool in hybrid warfare. However, the politician noted, the possible consequences of such in

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Russia disrupts GPS signal – Delphi

Ukraine – Russia war, last minute | Russia launches several drone attacks in kyiv and southern Ukraine

On the 718th day of the war in Ukraine, Russia has launched several drone attacks overnight in Kiev and the south of Ukraineinjuring at least one civilian and damaging a gas pipeline and residential buildings on the Mykolaiv river and seaport.

The Ukrainian Air Force has reported that

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Ukraine – Russia war, last minute | Russia launches several drone attacks in kyiv and southern Ukraine

Extreme heat has already caused 61 deaths in Thailand

Sixty-one people have died in Thailand since the beginning of the year due to the extreme heat that hit the countrythe Ministry of Health said Friday.

For almost a week in April, the capital’s authorities Bangkok has issued daily extreme heat warnings. At some times, the thermal sensation was above 52 ºC.

According to a note from the Ministry, Since the beginning of this year, 61 people have died from heatstroke across the countrycompared to 37 deaths from this reason during 2023.

The ministry specified that the most affected area is the north-east of Thailand, which is essentially agricultural.

Scientists claim that the Climate changes resulting from human activities will cause more frequent, longer and more intense heat waves.

The El Niño phenomenon itself contributes to this year’s exceptional heat, but according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) the rate of warming in Asia is higher than the global average.

In April, Thailand recorded a record temperature of 44.2°C in the northern province of Lampang, just a few tenths away

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Extreme heat has already caused 61 deaths in Thailand

Manhunt in New York City: Police Rush to Catch Criminal Behind Brutal Assault and Rape

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10 May 2024 10:58 am

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Police in New York City, USA They rush to catch the criminal. After causing an incident of stalking a woman Before using a belt to strangle the woman until she was unconscious and sexually assaulting the victim in the middle of the road.

United States New York Police posted an image of a suspect who attacked and raped a woman in the Bronx area of ​​New York City on Twitter so that anyone who saw it could come forward. After a video clip appeared, the man used a white cloth to cover his face. He followed closely behind the 45-year-old woman before using a belt which had been made into a noose around her neck and strangled her from behind. and grabbed her neck until she fell and lost consciousness. The man then dragged her to the road, hid her between two parked cars and raped her. before escaping with impunity

The incident happened around 3:00 am on May 1 near East 152nd Street and Third Avenue in the Melrose neighborhood, and th

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Manhunt in New York City: Police Rush to Catch Criminal Behind Brutal Assault and Rape

Ukraine says it has repelled a Russian ground offensive in the Kharkiv region

Governor of the Kharkiv region of Ukraine Oleh Syniehubov on Friday he said that the Ukrainian armed forces repelled an attempt by the Russian army to break through Ukraine’s defensive lines in the north-eastern Kharkiv region. The fighting is still ongoing: it is not known precisely what the situation is, but Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy he said that “a fierce battle is underway” in the direction of Kharkiv, which is the second largest city in the country and one of the main obj

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Ukraine says it has repelled a Russian ground offensive in the Kharkiv region

Schulze in Kyiv – interlocutor unexpectedly fired
– 2024-05-10 14:35:46

The development minister traveled 16 hours by plane, car and train to Kiev to assure Ukraine of further reconstruction aid. But an unpleasant surprise awaits them there.

Development Minister Svenja Schulze’s visit to Ukraine was overshadowed by the completely surprising removal of her most important interlocutor. Immediately after their arrival in Kiev, the deputy prime minister responsible for reconstruction, Olexander Kubrakow, was fired by parliament.

He was actually supposed to prepare, together with Schulze, the reconstruction conference on June 11th and 12th in Berlin, which is so important for Ukraine. The SPD politician reacted with disappointment: “That’s really not good news.”

She said she found the cancellation “personally very, very sad.” Above all, Kubrakow was very committed to fighting corruption and was very successful. “And we pushed forward many of the projects together with him.”

Dove of peace to say goodbye to the fired deputy prime minister

The development minister actually wanted to meet Kubrakow as soon as she arrived. Because of the surprising turn of events, the fired deputy prime minister was only able to give her a necklace with a white do

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Schulze in Kyiv – interlocutor unexpectedly fired – 2024-05-10 14:35:46

Социологът Живко Георгиев: Джипката на Борисов скоро няма да бъде паркирана – 2024-05-10 14:02:09

/Поглед.инфо/ Много анализи се появиха след парламентарния вот ​на 4 април. И в повечето от тях твърдението е, че всичко ‌е в‍ ръцете на Слави Трифонов и⁤ „Има такъв народ“. Какви са възможностите пред партиите, влезли в 45-ия парламент, какви са проблемите‌ пред отделните ‍формации – по тези въпроси разговаряме със социолога Живко Георгиев.

-⁢ Изборите отминаха, партийните пасианси ⁢започнаха ⁤да се редят -⁤ ако употребим метафора, докъде ще стигне този зрелищен политически спектакъл, г-н Георгиев?
– Виждате как ⁤изведнъж се появи огромно поле от възможности, което обаче не винаги ⁣е за добро. Няма лесен изход от където ​и да го погледнем ситуацията сега, дори ако ‍се‌ абстрахираме от това какво е добро и какво ⁢е зло. До⁣ 1-2 седмици всичко⁣ ще е ясно най-вече откъм кратките ​сюжетни линии. Яснота по това накъде ще се развива ⁣страната, ​едва ли​ в близката⁣ половин година ‍ще ​имаме.⁤ От една‍ страна е необозримо поле от възможности за развитие, а от друга – има безкрайно много конкретни предизвикателства, които и най-прекрасният⁣ сюжет‌ на първо време може ⁢да превърнат в гигантски провал. Не е лесно и не завиждам на нито⁢ един политик ‌-​ условно казано ‍спечелилите и загубилите. Няма да е лесно и на всички нас.

– Всеки опипва почвата, хвърля въдички, както се казва, но на хоризонта няма нищо ясно, не е ли мъртвило?
– Бих предпочел партиите първо​ да помислят, а после да говорят. Имаше много‌ импровизации, които ‌отдавам повече на умора и напрежение от‌ изборите. Почти всички са леко разочаровани,‌ а⁢ не толкова изненадани от това, което се​ получи.⁤ Не само в главите​ на политиците е тревожно, българските граждани едва ли са в по-лесна ситуация. С разликата, че те изконсумираха свободата си,‍ а сега топката е у политиците.

– Въпросът е оттук​ нататък⁤ накъде – нови избори или ⁢компромиси?
– ‍Процедурите ​оттук нататък са ясни, технологиите им са ясно⁣ описадавал е социология в Софийския университет и други ​университети в България. Автор е на ⁤множество публикации в областта на⁣ социологията и обществените науки.

– Какво очаквате да се случи в следващите ⁢месеци ‍в политическия живот на България?
– Виждаме, че политическата‌ ситуация в страната е‌ доста напрегната и нестабилна. Очакваме да видим⁤ нови ⁢развития ​и събития, които⁢ ще влияят⁣ на бъдещето на ⁤България. Надявам се,⁣ че политическите лидери ще намерят⁢ общ език и начини за сътрудничество, за да решат проблемите на страната и да я изведат към по-добро бъдеще.

Интервюто приключва.

strong>- Съдбата​ на тези варианти не е ли заложена в егото на двама души – единият е Борисов, другия е Трифонов. Въпросът ​е дали заложник⁢ на егото им няма да‍ стане самата държава?
– Съдбата на⁤ държавата от​ няколко години е в плен и ⁣зависи от егото на Борисов. Не мисля, че от егото на Слави ⁣Трифонов зависи държавата. Там е въпрос и на аритметика, и ‍на капацитет, и ‍на политическа конюнктура, и на желание да се реализират онези ключови‍ идеи, ⁤на които ‍Трифонов и неговата нова формация посветиха последните‌ години. Така че, ако на някого наистина е трудно да вземе решение, това е Слави Трифонов. От Бойко Борисов не мисля, че нещо зависи поне в момента.

– Познаваме отдавна Борисов и то, както ‌го наричат, ‌като голямо „политическо животно с доста добър ⁣политически нюх“?
– Не смятам, че‌ нюхът​ му е толкова голям, но не в него е топката в момента. Може и да се върне, но той сега е в състояние само да‌ коментира.⁢ Основно нещата зависят от⁢ г-н Трифонов, както и от ⁣останалите политически актьори извън ГЕРБ. Важно е​ какво ще ⁢предпочете при ясни рискове при всяко едно негово решение.

– ⁢Неразбориите в новите политически субекти започнаха, а ако⁣ и партията на Трифонов ​реши да държи на⁣ всички точки, които бяха ⁤записани за референдума, не е ясно докъде ще стигне „любовта“ с другите партии, които не са от статуквото, според него. Какво ще стане тогава?
– Не бих казал, че са станали​ кой знае какви неразбории, думата си каза политическата ⁤неопитност, както и безспорно умората. За мен​ най-голямото изпитание пред‌ Слави Трифонов ‍- особено в сферата на изборното законодателство и ​реформирането u, са прекалено спорните предложения⁤ и от гледна точка на евентуалните им бъдещи⁣ последици. Дали биха били⁢ добри и ​дали ‌биха‌

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Социологът Живко Георгиев: Джипката на Борисов скоро няма да бъде паркирана – 2024-05-10 14:02:09

Our strategic choice is the continuous investment in the Armed Forces
2024-05-10 14:57:43

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited Chios today, where he was informed about the progress of the important infrastructure projects on the island. He also attended the official celebration of Saint George the Trophy Bearer, patron of the Land Army, at the “Giala” camp, and had the opportunity to visit the Museum of Massacres at the Holy Monastery of Saint Minas and the Research Center of the Chios Mastic Producers’ Union.

Continued investment in the Armed Forces is a strategic choice that we inevitably serve
The Prime Minister attended the eulogy of the Armed Forces together with the Chief of the General Staff of the National Defense General Dimitrios Houpis, then laid a wreath, while after the ceremony he spoke with national guardsmen serving in Chios and was informed about the weapon systems available to the unit.

Immediately after, Kyriakos Mitsotakis made the following statement:

“Today we honor the memory of Saint George the Trophy Bearer, who since 1864 has been the patron saint of the Greek Army. In the person of the Chief of the Greek Army, I would like to express my gratitude to all the men and women of the Greek Army, the Armed Forces, our National Guard, our civilian personnel, for the services they provide to our country.

Continued investment in the Armed Forces is a one-way street in these times of great geopolitical instability. It is a strategic choice, which our government has been inexorably serving for five years.

The Armed Forces ensure national sovereignty but at the same time serve a very important role in peacetime, providing everything from health services to the construction of small infrastructure projects and from air transport, in cases of medical emergency, to support in climate crisis conditions. And precisely for this role, for the services you offer to the homeland, Mr. Chief, the Greek men and women are grateful to you and we wish the Greek Army, the Land Army, a happy birthday”.

The progress of the projects is also monitored at the level of the Prime Minister’s Office

Earlier in the morning, the Prime Minister met at the Town Hall of Chios with the Mayors of Chios Yiannis Malafi, Kostas Vratsano of Psaro and Giorgos Daniil of Oinoussa and representatives of local bodies, with whom he discussed issues of local interest and the drastic reduction of irregular migration flows in the eastern Aegean. while then he went to the offices of the North Aegean Region.

In the context of the discussions, an update was given on the progress of implementation and pending matters for the completion and filling of the Koris Gefyri dam, the construction of the Courthouse, the extension of the runway of the state airport “Homeros” and the restructuring – expansion of the building facilities of the airport.

During his meeting with the Deputy Governor of Chios Pantelis Vroulis at the offices of the Region, the Prime Minister noted:

“I can assure that we have already been informed in detail about the progress of the projects. I want you to know that there is also monitoring at the level of the Prime Minister’s Office.

I know that especially for the dam, it’s a painful project with a heavy history, but I believe that at least we have a clear road map of what needs to be done from now on to complete the project.
For all the country’s dams, I have given a clear direction that before we start discussing new projects, we must first make sure to complete the projects that have already been launched, and this obviously also concerns the Koris Gefyri dam.

And on the issue of the airport, I know we’ve had some delays but I’m pleased that the building seems to be progressing very quickly and I think we now have a clear road map as to how we’re going to deal with the corridor issues.

Simply, if I go back in time, in 2019, when we got down to business, these were all plans on paper. Now at least they are projects that, even with some delays, are being implemented and I believe that at the end of the four years all the basic infrastructure projects concerning Chios, including the Local Urban Plan, to which I attach great importance, because it will unlock significant development potential of the island, will now be completed.

You know that we have a very good cooperation with the second and first grade Local Government. And of course I should point out that unlike other visits to the North Aegean, in other times, I am glad that you did not raise the first issue that you always raised with us five years ago, which is immigration. An issue which, thanks to the work done by the Minister, seems to have entered into a series.

Where we used to discuss how to curb illegal immigration, we are now happy to welcome tourists from Turkey, with visa facilitation, to further support the local community all year round. So we are now talking about a completely different landscape, a different situation in space.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that we don’t have problems, but every visit of mine is always an opportunity to be able to form a better picture of what needs to be done and of course to give the relevant acceleration to the projects that need to move forward. So don’t worry, even in the limited time, know that we always come educated.”

Mitsotakis’ visit to the Holy Monastery of Agios Minas – He was shown around by the Metropolitan

As part of his visit to Chios, the Prime Minister also visited the Museum of Massacres, in the Holy Monastery of Agios Minas, where he was guided by the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Chios, Psara and Oinoussa etc. Marko in the exhibition on the Massacre of Chios, which took place in 1822.

Immediately after, Kyriakos Mitsotakis went to the Research Center of the Mastic Producers Union of Chios, where he was guided by the President of the Union Giorgos Toumpos and the Managing Director of the Center Yiannis Mandalas. In a discussion the Prime Minister had with chewing gum producers members of the Union he noted:

“I am happy to see here the great wealth of the Greek land. Mastic seems to be a product that constantly has this ability to give birth to new ideas, new products and new innovations.
I want to congratulate you for what you are doing, because I realize that an ecosystem of companies is also developing around the Center, each of which can come with their own new idea and, if it works, turn it into a product and then, exploiting it the globally recognized brand of mastic, to conquer not only the domestic but also the international markets.

I am indeed glad that even traditional producers, first and foremost the Union itself, realize the great importance of investing in research and innovation, just as you are doing here. So I wish you good luck. If we can be helpful in any way, we will, although I sense that the foundations have already been laid, judging by how many different mastic-based products I’m seeing coming out now.”

In his speech to the citizens, the Greek Prime Minister said characteristically: “We have ahead of us European elections that will send political messages and because I hear various people from the opposition saying that it is an opportunity to send a message of discontent, we are raising the gauntlet of the challenge, political stability is at stake of the elections and it will be proven that nothing has changed since the trust that the citizens showed us in 2023. The second 4-year period is the period of major changes that will bring Greece even closer to the orbit of Europe”.

He also emphasized that: “Economic policy should not be jeopardized. Let’s not give some people the opportunity to claim that this course should be disrupted. This will not happen, ND will be the winner of the European elections, I am very optimistic about the result”.

“ND is the only one with a convincing proposal. I want us to make the great effort of rallying again, to go and vote, not to face the European elections with laziness”, Mr. Mitsotakis also noted.

“We are perhaps the only country where, in this pre-election period, the immigrant-refugee issue is not the first topic of discussion. Instead of debating how to deal with illegal immigrants we are happy to accept legal visitors from Turkey under the visa express program. We are the only country that has managed to secure an exemption from the strict Schengen framework to secure visas with fast procedures. We succeeded because the government has credibility in Brussels, our voice counts, we are not the black sheep and this has an impact on your daily life.”

According to the prime minister also referred to the issue of VAT in Psara and Oinousses saying that he will examine the request for a reduction of the rates.

The prime minister also spoke about the government’s policies in the economy, health, education and called on the citizens in the upcoming European elections not to vote lightly and to give the New Democracy in Chios a strong lead in these elections as well.

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Our strategic choice is the continuous investment in the Armed Forces 2024-05-10 14:57:43

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