“You hear people are in trouble.” The difficult economic situation and the security threat are forcing rental investors to look outside the Baltics

“In the short and medium term nothing positive can be seen in this region. We are moving in the wrong direction with all kinds of decisions made by our country and our government,” says investor Karin Vinkel, who owns several dozen properties for rent.

He made significant changes to the real estate portfolio. Recently, for example, he sold a stake in a rental house to direct the capital he raised from it outside the Baltic region. “I’m usually not a big fan of a diversification strategy, but in the current situation I feel better if some assets are outside this area,” notes Vinkel.

Moving is frequent, finding someone to rent is a challenge

According to real estate analyst Risto Väh, the level of real estate investments is currently low. Those who want to take all the money out of their pockets prefer to invest. “The biggest difference between new and used apartments is that the competition for the first or new apartment is constantly increasing and since the rental price is higher than average, it is also more difficult to find a rental. Aftermarket apartments they are more affordable. Since price is very important now, tenants prefer them,” he says.

Well, according to Cancer, it’s not…

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2024-01-17 22:01:00

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