5 facts about the film “Oppenheimer” that you didn’t know yet – TV3

Trinity’s experiment was filmed without special effects

Nolan is no stranger to recreating dramatic events on the big screen, but in perhaps his most ambitious move yet, the director decided to film the atomic bomb test without CGI or visual effects. This means that what you see on screen actually happened… albeit on a smaller scale.

Visual effects supervisor Scott R. Fisher explained how his team created the actual “miniature” explosions and how they were filmed. “We made them as big as possible, but so that they were tangible. This means we were as close to the camera as possible and made the explosion as big as possible in the given environment.”

To create the successful experiment, Scott’s team used gasoline and propane and added aluminum and magnesium powder to mimic the blinding white light of a nuclear explosion. “We really wanted to get everyone talking about that flash, that brightness. So we tried to emulate that as much as possible.”

Cillian Murphy sai oma rolli not nominated

Oppenheimer is Nolan and Cillian Murphy’s sixth film together, following the Batman trilogy, Inception and Dunkirk, and given their close relationship, the Irish actor doesn’t need to apply for roles. In an interview with BBC Radio 2, Cillian recalled the moment she received a random call from Nolan, who explained that she had the perfect role for him.

“If you’re lucky, you’ll get one or two calls like that in your career,” he said. “It was a great feeling. It was a bit euphoric and then you think, ‘Oh, there’s so much work’. So I started working straight away. I had about six months from when he called me until we started shooting. The script was confident and it was already there. It was one of the best I’d ever read. It was great.”

During filming, the actors lived together under the same roof

In Oppenheimer, we see America’s greatest scientists living together in Los Alamos, New Mexico, and Nolan moved the cast and crew to the same location for the film. Emily Blunt likened the situation to “summer camp” and told People magazine: “We were all in the same hotel in the middle of the New Mexico desert… just us.”

…but Cillian skipped their social gatherings

Longtime friends Emily and Matt Damon hosted group dinners for the cast during filming, but Emily’s movie husband told them an emphatic “no.” Emily added: “The amount of work she had to deal with is just enormous. Obviously she didn’t want to come to dinner with us.” Cillian added: “You know, when you have these big roles, this kind of responsibility, you feel like it’s all a bit much.”

Another factor was the strict diet of the Irish star, who frantically lost weight to play a scientist who in real life survived on cigarettes, martinis and little food. “She lost so much weight for the role that she didn’t want to eat dinner, ever,” Matt told Entertainment Tonight.

Kodak had to produce a new type of film especially for Oppenheimer

A film purist, Nolan shot the biopic on 70mm IMAX film, but there was one small problem. Oppenheimer has two timelines, one in color and one in black and white. Unfortunately, 70mm black-and-white IMAX film was not available, so cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema called Kodak.

He told Variety: “They made test rolls that we could try with our camera. We had to reconfigure our cameras and lab work. I remember when Chris and I were sitting in the cinema looking at the results of our first black test. and the white test and it was just amazing. We had never seen anything like it.”

Oppenheimer has no deleted scenes and there will never be a Director’s Cut

Nolan’s love of IMAX cameras and 70mm film makes filmmaking exorbitantly expensive, so he always makes sure every second of his films is thought through before calling it “shooting.”

Cillian told Collider: “Chris Nolan’s films don’t have deleted scenes. That’s why his films don’t have extras on DVD, because the whole script is in the film. He knows exactly what’s going to happen – he doesn’t play with and doesn’t try to change the story. The whole movie is in front of you.”

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A drama of genius, arrogance, and mistakes both individual and collective, Oppenheimer brilliantly chronicles the tumultuous life of an American nuclear physicist who contributed to the research and development of the two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.

2023-12-09 15:00:00

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