Aavo Kokk was elected head of the Tartu Südalinna Cultural Center

Aavo Kokk. Photo: private collection

Aavo Kokk, who worked in journalism and real estate, was chosen as director of the cultural center in the heart of Tartu.

According to the mayor of Tartu Urmas Klaas it was a strong competition. “Aavo Koka’s broad and versatile sectoral experience and the most comprehensive vision of the development of the cultural center in the heart of the city and how to effectively initiate the creative activities of the future center and build relationships with the community and cooperation partners speak to favor of Aavo Koka”, explained the mayor.

Aavo Kokk was born and attended school in Tartu. He graduated in journalism from the University of Tartu and in banking and financial sciences from Stockholm University. He led the creation of the Estonian tax system, founded the Pärnu Conferences and worked as editor-in-chief of Eesti Ekspress, managing editor of Eesti Päevaleh, and then as head of the Estonian unit of Catella Corporate Finance in the real estate sector and as president of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board of Directors of US Real Estate. He also wrote some books on art.

Aavo Kokk, future head of the Südalinna Cultural Center: “I am unspeakably happy that the city of Tartu has chosen me to lead the construction of such an important building and institution for my hometown. The Südalinna Cultural Center will become a place of meeting between different people and arts. It is in these meeting places that new ideas and innovations are born.”

Aavo Kokk will start working as director of the cultural center in the heart of the city in February 2024.

34 candidates participated in the competition for managers of the Südalinna cultural center. Six candidates with extensive field experience were invited to interview.

2024-01-18 10:40:55

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