Are you on a winter diet or are you collecting wallpaper instead? An expert explains how much a pet should eat in cold weather

The KIKA expert says that just like the human body, the animal’s body also needs to warm up in the cold season, so it consumes more energy. Since the main source of energy is food, in winter it is recommended to choose higher-calorie foods or increase the amount of normal food.

He notes that the latter option is more convenient and simpler: “You have to do a transition period when changing food, but it takes time, so it is easier to simply increase the amount of existing food.”

It is important to evaluate the pet’s activity

The expert emphasizes that the eating habits of pets depend on many aspects: age, state of health, activity, etc. In most cases, the veterinarian can determine the diet based on the particular needs of the animal, but if the dog or cat has no health problems and is not obese, the amount of calories received from food should be increased by at least a third in winter.

“If the animal is not very active and spends a lot of time lying down, it is recommended to increase the food ration by a third and monitor how much it eats. Pets usually know how much they need, so if they do not eat all the food, you need to give it a little less,” advises the expert and adds that if you increase the dose too much, you can gain too much weight.

According to Evgenia Sveshnikova, a higher calorie intake in winter is especially important for dogs who exercise and live outdoors. She even recommends doubling the amount of food: “In winter, for pets that live outdoors and are very active, it is important that a layer of fat develops that gives them heat. Otherwise they don’t have the energy to warm up.”

If pets don’t get enough calories from their diet during the winter, experts say, they often face other problems: They may become deficient in certain nutrients, have a weakened immune system and thus become susceptible to colds and other illnesses.

It is important to strengthen the body

The expert emphasizes that it is extremely important to strengthen the animal’s organism in winter – use food supplements and choose food with the most valuable composition.

“Due to the cold, the four-legged friend’s body can be more exhausted, the immune system can weaken, which is why the use of food supplements is important. For example, the addition of calcium chalk and clinoptilolite of volcanic origin contains silicon in its composition, which can help absorb vitamins from food,” notes Evgenia Sveshnikova.

Another healthy choice is salmon oil, which is rich in Omega-3 saturated fatty acids. Furthermore, according to the expert, the cold poses a danger to the joints of large breed dogs and in this case salmon oil is the most important preventive measure.

“These supplements are beneficial for a regular metabolism, can help improve cardiovascular function, joint health and maintain healthy coat and skin. Furthermore, many four-legged friends love salmon oil, so it is possible to flavor it with dry food”, notes the expert.

The basis of food should be proteins

Evgenia Sveshnikova emphasizes that “super premium” class foods with a natural composition also help to strengthen the immune system, as they are rich in vitamins and minerals: “When choosing food, one should take into account the fact that the main protein source it must be of animal origin, for example meat or fish. The higher their proportion in the composition, the better. Various vitamins and minerals are also added to this food, so you can choose a specific food based on the individual needs of your pet .

According to the KIKA expert, low-quality foods made from potatoes or cereals can be incompletely absorbed and excreted in the feces, without any benefit to the body.

“Because as much as 80% of a pet’s healthy formula consists of a balanced diet (the remaining 20% ​​is daily maintenance) and particular attention must be paid to it. The healthy food pyramid is made up of 80% food dry, 10-12% from canned food, 3-5% from sweets and 1-3% from food supplements.These proportions do not have to change every season, but it is important that the amount of calories consumed in winter it is higher”, concludes Kika expert Evgenia Sveshnikova.

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2024-01-23 14:13:02
#winter #diet #collecting #wallpaper #expert #explains #pet #eat #cold #weather

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