EKA organized the traditional Christmas market | Life

The traditional Christmas market of the Estonian Academy of Arts (EAA) was held in the Solaris center in Tallinn. Both current students, former students and EKA employees were out with their counters.

The tradition of the EKA Christmas market is so long that the organizers cannot remember how many times it took place this year. It is considered more important that the market continues to be popular and have both sellers and buyers. On this occasion, almost 100 designers and artists sold their creations.

“I haven’t read the total, but some prints and postcards are better, especially the dragon postcards relating to the year of the dragon,” says EKA student Maria Elise.

“I myself like the orange marmalade poster below best. /…/ I have several similar prints. I’ve already sold some and the framed version has already been sold, so there’s still a long way to go do,” said EKA student Helena.

To avoid excessive and unnecessary consumption during the Christmas period, ekals creations are characterized by sustainability and practicality. For many products, old objects and fabrics have been given new life. This is how we managed to get a good deal on kapuka, i.e. wool socks made from waste from local producers, where the size of the wearer is not important.

“The magical thing about the cape is that there is no heel here. Just as the ancient Estonians produced unlined socks or capes, I made a small evolution of it, namely capes with pleats,” explained designer Kaisa Krusenberg.

The ceramist Kärt Seppeli, an EKA alumnus, has also introduced kiln-heatable products onto the market. New works are now published on Seppel every week.

“High heat is such a high temperature, it’s 1,240 degrees and above, it takes three days, so currently one of the ovens is also getting cold in my room in the ARS building,” Seppel said

The products of the fair were sold on two floors, there was a lot of choice and the visitors were satisfied with the enterprise. It is not possible to find the ceramics, jewelery and clothes that were on sale in the shops.

“It’s much better if you go to the store and look for something. And the choice in the stores is not so interesting, and it’s also very expensive. Here you can find jewelry and everything else at a good price,” said Elina.

“I already said here that you could organize yourselves more closely, that this is a completely alternative product to what is usually visible,” Kersti said.

2023-12-17 16:46:00

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