health today: 2024-04-29 03:18:00

Scoliosis: Exploring Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Living with scoliosis can be a challenging experience, both physically and emotionally. As someone who was diagnosed with this condition at a young age, I understand the impact it can have on one’s self-image and overall well-being.

Scoliosis is a spinal condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine. It affects approximately 2 to 3 percent of people, with around 3 million cases diagnosed in the United States alone each year. While its exact causes are still unknown, scoliosis is more common in girls and women than in boys and men.

The severity of scoliosis can vary from mild to severe, and its effects can be different for each individual. For some people, scoliosis may remain relatively stable over time, while for others it may worsen as they age due to wear and tear on the spine.

Diagnosing scoliosis usually involves X-rays that show the shape of the spine and any asymmetries present. When a spinal curvature measures 10 degrees or greater on an X-ray, it is considered scoliosis. The curves can take on different shapes but are broadly categorized as “S” or “C” curves.

The Impact of Scoliosis

Scoliosis not only affects one’s physical appearance but can also lead to various symptoms and complications depending on its severity. Adolescents with scoliosis are often concerned about how it affects their appearance; however, many do

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Scoliosis: Exploring Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

I will not tolerate doctor’s negligence towards patients: Health Minister
– 2024-04-28 16:49:46

The health minister has made it clear that he will not tolerate any kind of attack on the doctor, nor will he tolerate any doctor’s negligence towards the patient. Samant Lal Sen.

He said this while addressing the chief guest at the orientation ceremony of the newly appointed officers of the 41st BCS (Health) and BCS (Family Planning) cadre held at the Bangmata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Convention Hall on Sunday (April 28) morning.

Dr. Samant Lal Sen said, I am only three and a half months old as a minister. I hav

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I will not tolerate doctor’s negligence towards patients: Health Minister – 2024-04-28 16:49:46

what we know about the health situation in Mayotte, where the number of cases is increasing

#health #situation #Mayotte #number #cases #increasing

The opening of a second “cholera unit” was announced in this overseas department. The number of confirmed cases now stands at 26 since mid-March.

Published on 04/28/2024 6:14 p.m. Updated on 04/28/2024 7:07 p.m.

Reading time: 4 min A press conference organized on February 20, 2024, in the premises of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Mayotte, on the cholera response plan, with the prefect Thierry Suquet and the director general of the ARS of Mayotte, Olivier Brahic. (OPHELIE VINOT / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

More“field interventions”. Faced with the increase in the number of cholera cases, the Regional Health Agency (ARS), the prefecture and the Mayotte hospital center announce, in a press release published Sunday April 28a reinforced device, “in order to ensure the care of all sick people”. In this press release, the authorities revised their assessment of the number of infected people upwards and recorded, “in total”, 26 cas “confirmed since the start of the alert”. Franceinfo summarizes what we know about the health situation.

A first case recorded in mid-March

In Mayotte, the first case of cholera was detected on March 19in a person coming from the Comoros, a neighboring archipelago where the epidemic has been going on since the beginning of the year. This acute form of diarrhea is spread by bacteria, usually through contaminated water or food. The disease can kill in a few hours: on the island of Anjouan, in the Comoros, four deaths were recorded in one day, April 10. But when the patient is taken care of in time, he can recover “without having any after-effects”, explain at franceinfo epidemiologist Renaud Piarroux, cholera specialist. This is what happened for the first case recorded in Mayotte. “Our response strategy en

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what we know about the health situation in Mayotte, where the number of cases is increasing

Influenza cases decrease in Santa Cruz for the second consecutive week; but the deaths rise to 6

April 22, 2024, 12:23 PM

For the second consecutive week, there is a “important” decline in influenza cases in Santa Cruz, reported this Monday the director of the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters), Jaime Bilbao.

“In epidemiological week 16, we have had thousand positive cases of influenzawhich represents a decrease compared to previous weeks,” said Bilbao.

Of these cases, 31 people required hospitalization, two patients were admitted to intensive care and two deaths we

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Influenza cases decrease in Santa Cruz for the second consecutive week; but the deaths rise to 6

Possible complications of a strict diet

In essence, any diet based on excessive restrictions does not solve the problem of excess weight.

The lost kilograms return later. Self-medication can also lead to health problems: depression, gout and gallstones.

According to Iulia Cehonina, nutritionist and senior researcher at the clinic of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, each of these diets does not teach us the most important thing – to eat properly – and does not give the body the opportunity to supply all the necessary substances.

During a strict low-calorie diet you lose excess fluid and fat, but at the same time you also lose muscle mass. This leads to a decrease in energy expenditure and the speed of metabolic processes, as muscles consume more calories. And the person returns to the old diet already with a slowed metabolism. The lost kilograms are then recovered and new ones added.

Some diets, called protein, with a high protein content, often have a complication, such as the formation of stones: in the gallbladder, in the kidneys.

In a protein-rich diet, foods containing animal proteins usually prevail in the diet. For this reason, the level of cholesterol in the blood increases, which leads to the appearance of cardiovascular

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Possible complications of a strict diet

Ankylosing Spondylitis in Women: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Ankylosing spondylitis is a disease in which repeated inflammation occurs in the spinal joints, eventually causing the back to curve and stiffen. It usually occurs in young male patients, so it is also called young man’s disease. So, is the chance of ankylosing spondylitis occurring in women less likely? At all. In fact, nearly 30% of all ankylosing spondylitis patients are women, and that number continues to increase. Let’s learn more about the characteristics and treatment of ankylosing spondylitis in women with Professor Sang-Hoon Lee from the Department of Arthritis and Rheumatology at Gangdong Kyunghee University Hospital.

Ankylosing spondylitis, chronic inflammatory disease, joint deformation due to repeated inflammation

Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic disease that causes inflammation of the joints. The joints repeatedly become inflamed and weakened, causing the joints to deform. When the joints become stiff, movements become slow and eventually the entire spine becomes stiff and the back bends. The exact cause of the disease has not yet been identified. However, it is known to be related to the “HLA-B27” gene. Additionally, infections, trauma and stress can also have an effect.

It is more common among young people, but some women also occur.

Ankylosing spondylitis is known to occur frequently in young people and is also called youth disease. However, it also occurs quite often in women. According to data from the Health Insurance Review and Evaluation Service, patients who went to hospital with ankylosing spondylitis in 2022 (disease code M45 ankylosing spondylitis) showed that 14,400, or 27%, of the total 52,616 patients were patients female. This means that just because you are a woman, you cannot be safe from ankylosing spondylitis.

It begins with pain in both hip bones and, as it gets worse, progresses to chest pain.

Ankylosing spondylitis usually begins with an inflammation of the hip

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Ankylosing Spondylitis in Women: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

The malaria mosquito reappears in Italy after 50 years

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The malaria mosquito reappears in Italy after 50 years

Malaria mosquito reappeared in Italy, that’s where

2024-04-27 15:02:00

The malaria mosquito found in Puglia after over 50 years. It is the result of a study by the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Puglia and Basilicata, published on PubMed. “The discovery has a strong health relevance and impact, highlighting an increase in the receptivity of the southern areas of the country,” the authors write. In September 2022 a single specimen of ‘Anopheles maculipennis’ was collected in the municipality of Lecce and molecularly identified as Anophelse sacharovi. This survey led to the implementation of a targ

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Malaria mosquito reappeared in Italy, that’s where

Study Finds Childhood and Middle Age Stress Linked to Increased Alzheimer’s Risk: New Research

Alzheimer’s disease affects approximately 50 million people worldwide. Scientists believe that this number could reach 150 million by 2050. A team of researchers from Spain, Sweden and Switzerland decided to study the relationship between stressful life events and the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The results are published in the journal Annals of Neurology.

Scientists have discovered that not all stressful events have the same effect on a person. It has been noted that stress in childhood and middle age is more strongly associated with the risks of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers note that stressful situations are events that greatly disturb a person’s normal lifestyle, which requires a mental and emotional change.

2,743 people were invited to participate in the study. Scientists have studied the impact of stressful events o

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Study Finds Childhood and Middle Age Stress Linked to Increased Alzheimer’s Risk: New Research

The Essential Supplements You Need for Optimal Health and Aging

If you’ve ever perused the supplement aisle in a pharmacy, you’ve likely been overwhelmed by the sheer number of options available. According to a recent survey, 75% of Americans regularly use dietary supplements. While these products can be helpful in providing additional nutrients, it is important to remember that they are not meant to replace a healthy diet.

Kara Burnstine, a nutrition educator, emphasizes that supplements should be viewed as a complement to a nutritious diet, not a replacement. She states, “Supplements will never give you what actual, real food will. They simply aid you along.” However, there are situations where supplements can be beneficial, especially when dietary intake is insufficient or when the quality of the food is questionable.

As we age, our bodies undergo changes, and certain nutrients may become more difficult to absorb. This is where supplements can play a role in bridging the gap. Burnstine points out that calcium is particularly important for maintaining bone st

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The Essential Supplements You Need for Optimal Health and Aging

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