Remember star show finalist Anne Arrak? See what this talented woman is doing today – TV3

Anne Arrak has been a fan of harder music for ten years now, and currently her main project is metal– the band SOLD, with whom they are working on their first album.

You can probably say that every metal-The band’s dream is to perform at some big European festival, like Wacken Open Air, but according to Anne, obviously, it’s still too early to dream of things like that. However, the idea of ​​presenting the band’s new album on the European tour seems completely obvious.

Metal-music means harsh sounds and dark tones, which is why it is often compared to an evil and/or depressive state. “I understand why people have this belief. Wearing dark clothes and listening to dark music is associated with melancholy and evil for ‘ordinary’ people, but I find beauty and excitement in it instead,” says Anne, 35, who loves cats and she’s actually a redhead.

Why did you decide to participate in the superstar show and what were your ambitions in this regard?

This decision came very easily, because at that time I was convinced that I would definitely become a pop star, and as a young man I had great ambitions in this sense. Going to the superstar show was therefore a completely logical step for me. On the other hand, I still didn’t have a clear vision of myself as an artist and only later did I understand that the solo career of a pop singer doesn’t fit into my role. I prefer to lean on the category of singers in the band.

But how do you feel in retrospect, did the star show give a boost to your future singing career or was it just another experiment among others?

It added a lot to my career, because it was thanks to the superstars’ show that I attracted the attention of musicians who contacted me after the show and offered me a job on the Tallink ships.

Anne Arrak in the 2009 final of “Estonia seeks a superstar” — PHOTO: TV3

How many songs have you written yourself? Is the message and creation important to you in this respect and does it have a deeper meaning?

I mostly just wrote melodies and produced a few songs for my bands. I’m not a skilled lyricist and I get into trouble when I write lyrics. When I listen to music, I tend to listen and pay attention to the melody/music rather than the message of the song. However, if a song has a good message, that’s an added bonus for me.

Something happened to you during the superstar show that you had to leave the show because of the voting, but then it turned out that during the telephone voting the EMT customers could not call the show for technical reasons and you were invited back to the show show. Do you remember what emotions you felt about it?

The emotions were obviously very different. At first great disappointment and sadness, then joy again and finally the doubt that I would have been able to stay if the EMT’s voice had come. I doubted whether it was fair and just to the other participants that in the end I only got 7th place.

Anne Arrak in the final of “Estonia seeks a superstar” in 2009 — PHOTO: Mardo Männimägi

How much of the current season of the superstar show have you watched?

I watched it casually, but unfortunately I didn’t have time to watch the final shows.

How do you describe your singing style and how has it changed over time?

The funny thing is, my voice would actually be the best fit jazzsing, but today I act instead metal– as a musician. I feel like this is the most soulful style for me at this stage in my life, which is both challenging and exciting. At school I was also a chorister – first soprano – and I studied classical music for a few years. I studied at Viljandi College of Culture jazzI. My singing background and lessons were therefore quite varied, and each style certainly added a lot to my voice.

Anne Arrak 2009. — PHOTO: Mardo Männimägi

How did the leap happen? metal-to music?

Heavy-some music has been in me since childhood, because my father listened to and was a fan of bands like Guns’n’Roses and AC/DC, and at school I really liked HIM and Linkin Park – the first is love metal and the second is new metal – but I approached real metal only in the last years of university, having in the meantime done hip-hop, d’n’b, jazz and all the other possible styles. While I was studying in Viljandi, I had a boyfriend who was a fan of rock and heavy metal‘and from that moment on that seed began to germinate in me again and developed and became heavier and heavier until finally I discovered for myself a genre like symphonic metal, which I wasn’t aware of before. It made me angry and my soul was sold! Now I’m metalhead It’s been around for about 10 years.

Anne Arrak — PHOTO: Oleg Harshenko

Who are your biggest role models and favorite artists?

My biggest role model and favorite artist/band at the moment is Tatiana Shmayluk/Jinjer. This woman and the entire band exudes musicianship, talent and charisma! When it comes to Tatiana, it always amazes me how good and skilled she is growl-the band’s technique and clean voice and the agility with which they move on stage. Every time I have mine in front of me metal-I perform with the band, then I watch Jinjer live-video and I get a lot of inspiration. What I still admire about the entire band is the ferocious hard work with which they reached the top of the metal world today. They all quit their day jobs and dedicated themselves 100% to the band, although it must have been very difficult in the first years and I would say they didn’t feel very comfortable about it.

Like Estonia metal-do you appreciate the scene in general? Are you a fan of a local band?

I myself am a fan of national bands, for example Surgent, who are new and exciting technically metalit is the pearl. Personally, I would like Estonia metal– More modern metal cultivators would join the scene, as old school metal doesn’t really speak to me. I’m constantly surprised, when a new youth band appears, that they still want this old school…death, garbage, black – do your best. But in general the scene is strong and there is a lot of audience, especially for concerts by foreign artists. It’s just that everything is so “under the floor” that if you are not metalheadthen you know nothing about it (laughs).

But how happy are you abroad? metal– with a selection of concerts of bands that can be seen in Estonia?

Sometimes a truly world famous person comes to Estonia metal-artist, recently for example Slipknot or Devin Townsend, but unfortunately similar names are rarely seen here, which of course is a shame. However, it is understandable why they don’t come here to the frog pond. The selection is often too old school or alternative for me, but mostly I like the few gems that get to perform here.

What projects are you currently working on related to music and creativity? What else are you doing these days?

Currently my main project metal-band SOLD, with whom we are quietly tinkering and making our first album. In addition to my day job and SOLD, I also sing from time to time cover– in the band we are touring with in Estonia. When there is time left, I try to practice as much as possible and in my free moments I really enjoy watching series.

If it’s no secret, what is your main bread or day job right now?

I work as an order coordinator at Hestia Hotel Group. After the confusing period during corona, this routine and safe work is even a good change, and the quality of my sleep has improved significantly, because I no longer experience the night as before (smiles).

What are SOLD’s ambitions and goals for the coming years? In which festival or in which country would it be nicest to perform?

The closest ambition is a complete album and then the first European tour. Everyone is Europe metal-The bands biggest dream is to perform at festivals like Hellfest and Wacken Open Air, but I don’t dare to dream about them yet.

You still have musical challenges, for example outside metal-the music in which you would like to realize yourself?

This challenge is not external metal-music, but I would really like to learn he shouted‘ida, as does, for example, Nookie, the singer of one of the Russian bands SLOT. Every time I listen to it, my mouth drops and I can’t stop wondering how such a small woman could have a voice like that! I really wanted to go to her concert, which was supposed to take place at the Cathouse in Tallinn, but then, unfortunately, the war came and the event was cancelled. I don’t have any ambitions outside of metal right now.

You also held the position of on-board musician. What are its pros and cons?

The biggest advantage of this job is definitely: a lot of free time! You finish your stint on the ship and the rest of the month is free. I have to admit, it also made me a little lazy, but I still find it to be a better option than spending more than half of my waking hours working. Another great advantage when working as a ship musician is a more or less stable and guaranteed job and salary. If a musician usually has to earn a living from individual gigs and you never know whether there will be enough for the next month or the next year, the musician has no such worries there. The biggest disadvantage is that you are so-called “stuck” on the ship and cannot take a walk in the park, for example, if you feel like it.

2023-12-02 15:55:50

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