Russia has no reason to go to war with any NATO country

“The president should understand that Russia has no reasons or interests, neither geopolitical, nor economic, nor military, for a war with NATO member states,” Putin said.

Zarubin published excerpts of the conversation on the Rossiya-1 TV channel on his Telegram channel.

“We have no territorial disputes between us and we don’t want to worsen relations with them,” Putin added.

Western talk about Russia’s possible attack on NATO is a figure of speech to justify mistakes towards Ukraine, he said.

“This is complete nonsense. I think (US) President (Joe) Biden understands this. It is just a figure of speech, the purpose of which is to justify their (US) wrong policy towards Russia,” he said Putin in response to Biden’s statements that Russia could attack NATO if it is not stopped in Ukraine.

The West must take Russia into account and look for points of contact, he added.

At the same time, Putin warned that Finland could have problems with Russia after joining NATO.

“They simply dragged Finland into NATO. Did we have disputes with Finland? All possessions, including territorial ones, were established a long time ago, in the middle of the 20th century,” he said.

“There were no problems. But now they come. Because we will create the Leningrad Military District and concentrate some military units there. Why do they need it? Just stupidity.”

2023-12-17 09:08:00

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