Study: Vegetarian diet linked to lower risk of contracting COVID

Based on these findings, it was concluded that a diet rich in vegetables, legumes and nuts and low in dairy and meat can help fight coronavirus infection.

They noted that several previous studies have shown that diet can play an important role in the development of Covid-19 infection, as well as factors that increase the risk of complications.

Therefore, they set out to evaluate the potential impact of dietary habits on the incidence, severity and duration of Covid-19 infection.

The study, published in BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health, involved 702 adults in 2022, whose dietary habits, lifestyle and medical history, including vaccination against COVID-19, were taken into account.

Participants were then divided into an omnivorous diet group or a predominantly plant-based diet group. The last group was further divided into so-called semi-vegetarians, who ate meat three or fewer times a week, vegetarians, and vegans.

Those who ate a mostly vegetarian diet regularly ate more vegetables, legumes and nuts and ate less or no dairy and meat.

No significant differences were found between the omnivore and plant-based groups in terms of gender, age or vaccinability, the researchers said. However, it was found that among vegetarians there is a significantly higher number of people with a master’s degree.

Among omnivores, there was greater morbidity, less physical activity, and a higher percentage of people who were overweight or at risk of obesity, all factors associated with a higher risk of COVID-19 infection and complications.

47% of all participants had previously been infected with the coronavirus. Of these, 32% had mild symptoms and 15% had moderate or severe symptoms.

The study found that the rate of corona infection was significantly higher among omnivores: 52% compared to 40%.

In results published by São Paulo researchers, participants who followed a vegetarian diet had a 39% lower chance of infection than omnivores.

To explain the findings, they suggested that a predominantly plant-based diet provides more nutrients that strengthen the immune system and help fight viral infections.

“They positively influence several types of cells involved in the functioning of the immune system and have direct antiviral properties,” the researchers said. “In light of the findings from these and other studies, and because it is important to identify factors that may influence the development of Covid-19, we recommend following a plant-based diet or vegetarian eating pattern.”

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2024-01-13 12:15:00

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