Donald Trump is the clear favorite in the Iowa primaries | foreign country

The Republican primaries in Iowa will take place on January 15 and, according to polls, former US President Donald Trump is expected to achieve a convincing victory. The party’s official presidential nominee will be determined in the Republican primaries.

Although Trump faces legal challenges at both the state and federal levels, his support remains high and even growing in national polls and in the Midwestern state of Iowa.

According to the latest poll from Iowa State University, 54% of Republican voters support Trump, while his main rivals, Florida governor Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina governor Nikky Haley, have to settle for only 17% respectively. and 15% of voters. The Financial Times reports it.

Haley has risen in the polls in recent months, with some polls showing her support as high as 30% in New Hampshire, which votes Jan. 23, a week after Iowa. She has also received support from New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu and conservative billionaire Charles Koch.

However, DeSantis has focused primarily on Iowa, where he spends a lot of time and money on the campaign. The Florida governor has also received support from influential figures in the state, including Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and religious activist Bob Vander Plaats. At the same time, DeSantis’ campaign has been dogged by scandals, leading to the departure of several influential members of his campaign and support group.

Although Halley and Desantis are hoping for a surprisingly good result, many analysts don’t consider their chances of winning Iowa very high.

“The other candidates are running out of time, and it doesn’t look like Iowans will change their minds in January,” said Dave Peterson, a political scientist who conducted the poll.

Trump’s opponents argue that polls overestimate his support and that voters are rewarding politicians who have spent much more time in the state than Trump.

Therefore, Trump visited Iowa on Tuesday last week for only several hours and left after holding a campaign event in the city of Waterloo. Meanwhile, DeSantis has visited all 99 Iowa counties to date, and Haley has held 10 campaign events in four days across the state. Both candidates say more and more people are attending their campaign events.

Trump also began to downplay his advantage in managing media expectations.

“We manage 30 to 40 of them [protsendi]by one point, but we have to win, win even with a bigger advantage. Because you know what happens when I win by a smaller lead? They’re quick to say he underperformed because it’s fake news!” Trump told supporters in Waterloo.

While DeSantis himself says he can win Iowa, even his supporters think the best that can realistically happen is just a better-than-expected second place finish.

“I think Iowa will surprise people. Trump will win, but not by as much as the polls show,” said Greg Ganske, a former Iowa lawmaker who supports DeSanti.

The winner of the Republican primaries will face Democratic US President Joe Biden in next November’s presidential election.

2023-12-25 12:07:00

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