TRY LATER ⟩ Using these tricks, the perfume will last all day

“There’s nothing more frustrating than finding a perfume you love, but you can’t smell it after 20 minutes,” said the London-based fragrance critic, who earned a master’s degree in perfumery and cosmetics in France.

1. First, it is recommended to apply the fragrance to clean skin. Afterwards you could apply a perfume-free body cream, because hydrated skin retains the perfume better and guarantees its long-lasting effect.

2. Josephine’s other strategy is to apply perfume to her clothes, albeit from a safe distance so as not to stain them. “Fabric connects with smell much better than leather,” explained the content creator, spraying himself generously with perfume. “Don’t be afraid, you don’t have to hold the boundary.”

3. Finally, she suggested putting the perfume on a hairbrush and then running it through your locks. This way the aroma reaches the hair without the drying effect of alcohol. Experts have warned against spraying the perfume directly on your hair because it contains ethyl alcohol, which damages your hair in the long run.

Fragrance fanatics have also cited Vaseline as the secret to long-lasting fragrance. A Guardian journalist tested this theory and confirmed that in the evening the smell was strongest on the wrist, which had been smeared with Vaseline.

However, the secret to maintaining the quality of perfume lies in how you store it, TikTokker Emelia O’Toole has revealed. “If you put perfume in the bathroom, the water vapor and constant temperature fluctuations will ruin the perfume much faster,” she said. A cool, dry environment helps maintain the scent for years.

2024-01-02 15:02:22

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