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A useful read on charisma and influence

“Your power is hidden in influence” Photo: apollo.ee

Zoe Chanse “Your power lies in influence”

An excellent book just published, which explains the phenomenon of charisma and, more generally, our influence on others, or lack thereof.

Dr. Zoe Chance is an extremely popular lecturer, researcher, speaker and writer, but her fame rests precisely on the significant distraction of this topic: how do people interact with each other? According to him, at first he didn’t succeed at all. But here’s the key! The most charismatic people have always pushed and dared to push. In her book, Zoe explains very well what constitutes charisma in life and on stage, and why those who try to be charismatic never are. And self-admiration or self-focus doesn’t help here at all: charismatic people are people who know how to see and appreciate others. Even if there is one person on stage and there are hundreds of thousands of spectators, everyone still hears: “He’s here because of me!” But only if the performer has real charisma. Daniel Levis has the maximum amount based on all of Zoe Chance’s scientific criteria.

«Invisible influence» Photo: apollo.ee

Johan Berger “Invisible influence. Behavior is determined by hidden forces”

You can read more about the effect and from different angles. Why do we prefer one thing and avoid another, do we vote for something? The book talks about complex things in the form of simple stories and shatters many illusions we live under. We don’t make most decisions alone, we are influenced by others. However, social influence does not push us to behave exactly as others do. Sometimes we follow or imitate others, other times we avoid certain choices precisely because others prefer them. And, interestingly, if you put a person on stage or under the attention of a larger audience, it becomes decisive whether this role and position is comfortable and natural for him or extraordinary. In the first case the public gives him wings, in the second he destroys any possibility of success. Think about it too when you support your favorites!

2024-01-27 09:02:46

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